Sunday, September 22, 2024


Today's reading: Philemon

"I always thank God when I pray for you, Philemon, because of your trust in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people." Philemon 4-5 NLT

Paul took the time, made the effort and 'bought the stamp' in order to let Philemon know about how thrilled he was over all he heard spoken about Philemon's faith, life and choices.

Paul, who was in prison at the time.

Paul, who was a giant in the faith himself.

Paul, who had lots of other 'children' to minister to.

He took the time to convey appreciation and pride in Philemon's decisions to follow the example of Christ.

Philemon, who lived in perilous times.

Philemon, who was a new convert to the faith.

Philemon, who had been disappointed and discouraged by others in his life.

This man still lived in such a way that others, miles away, heard about his walk with the Lord.

Just what are others hearing about you?

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