Monday, July 29, 2024


Today's reading: John 1-2

"Then, going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, Get these things out of here, Don't turn my Father's house into a marketplace!" John 2:16 NLT

If Jesus stepped inside the front door of our churches today, what would His response be?

Would He feel at home? Welcomed? Worshiped? A part of the service?

Or would He be quickly ushered out? Not planned for? Too charismatic? Too preach-y? Too intolerant?

What would Jesus think of what we're 'selling' in our churches?

Oh, we're selling things...

Selling ideas as to how worship should look and feel.

Selling thoughts as to who and what is accepted in our midst.

Selling Sundays to the things that best capture our attention.

Selling ourselves to the idols that most suit our comforts and popularity contests.

Would Jesus find us investing in God's Word and proclaiming the Good News?

Would He see us striving to bring in the lost and the littles?

Would He know us as His own 

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