Thursday, May 23, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 60-62

"You have rejected us, O God, and broken our defenses. You have been angry with us; now restore us to your favor. You have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks before it completely collapses. You have been very hard on us, making us drink wine that sent us reeling. But you have raised a banner for those who honor you--a rallying point in the face of attack." Psalm 60:1-4 NLT

While I know these words were penned by David in wartime in regards to Israel, I can't help but see my own homeland in the verses.

America, we are being rejected by God--and for good reason. We think we know better. We have disregarded His laws. Approved of what He disapproved of. We worship everything but our Creator. 

We are being shaken at the core of our beliefs. Our founding fathers roll over in their graves with each passing law and ruling. Tolerant views are opening up major fissures in our knowledge of right and wrong. 

We are facing the consequences of poor choices. Economically. Politically. Socially. Our homes are no longer safe places where future generations are being taught values and moral ethics.

And in all this?

In all this, God still provides a rallying point for our land: Himself.

Only in turning our faces, hearts, choices and land, to Him will we be honored and bring God honor. Only in following His ways will we prosper, succeed, grow and regain victory over our enemies.

Only in Him.

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