Friday, May 24, 2024


Today's reading: Job 41-42

"Then Job replied to the Lord: I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you." Job 42:1-2 NLT

Job got to the point.

The 'point'.

The point to which we all have come OR will come,

The point at which we realize, to the depths of our bones, who God is and who we are not.

He can do anything.

He has no limits to His abilities, His strength, His reach and His love.

He will complete His purpose--no one can stop Him.

Do you know that today? Are you fully, without a shadow of a doubt, aware of that truth?

The 'point' will either be your foundation stone, upon which you build from this moment forward, or it will be your line of demarcation, your AD or BC kind of line in your life. 

It might be a starting line. It could be an open door. It quite possibly will be the moment in time when you become completely His.

Have you gotten to that point?

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