Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 6-10

"Solomon did not deviate in any way from David's commands concerning the priests and Levites and the treasuries." 2 Chronicles 8:15 NLT

Isn't that sometimes how it happens?

Let's be a little more specific-- 

Isn't that exactly what I have seen happen in my own life?

I have areas of my life where I am following God to the T. Disciplines which I have in place soundly and securely. Strict adherence to God's commands and requests. Follow-through that would be of Olympics-bound determination.

Like Solomon did in regards to the priestly duties, the Levitical servants and the treasuries of the Lord.

And then there are areas where I fail. I flail. I stall--spit--sputter--and crash!

Like Solomon did in the area of all his wives.

I've noticed in my own life, and now in the life of wise Solomon, that when there is an area where I am keeping true, straight and committed, there is quite possibly an area where I am spiraling down the drain at a high rate of speed.

I'm on the lookout today for such areas.

I'm determined to find where it is I'm lacking and slacking.

I'm wanting to bring my entire life under the control of the Lord--every single bit of it!

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