Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Kings 6-10

"During Jehoram's reign, the Edomites revolted against Judah and crowned their own king." 2 Kings 8:20 NLT

I don't know much about the Edomites, other than they were enemies of God's people.

I couldn't show you, on a map, where Edom was located.

I won't even begin to explain the intricate relationship between Judah and Edom, through a common ancestor-Jacob.

I will tell you this: Edom is not different than we are when it comes to crowning our own kings.

We do it, too.

Instead of the One True King, we select flailing monarchs to rule our heads and hearts.

We choose money.

We select popularity.

We lean on comfort.

We elect the need for control.

We, too often, crown our own way over the way God has for us.

And in the end, well, in the end it doesn't ever fare well for us.


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