Monday, July 15, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 21-22

"At last he stood up again and returned to the disciples, only to find them asleep, exhausted from grief." Luke 22:45 NLT

We find, in this portion of Scripture, Jesus have spent heart-wrenching, blood-sweating, intimate time in prayer to God.

He concludes his praying to find his disciples sleeping.

I never noticed it before, but they were sleeping because they were, exhausted from grief.

They were mentally, physically and emotionally tired from all Jesus had told them would come to pass.

Their bodies were drained.

Their heads were swirling.

Their hearts were broken.

And in all that, Jesus still had asked them to pray.

Not for him, but for themselves.

He knew prayer held the power, the promises and the potential to get them through the next hard time they would experience.

I'm guilty of falling asleep on the job as well.

Sometimes mental strain allows me to doze off.

On occasion I'm worn out from doing, going and being.

Some days I am exhausted from maneuvering the world I'm called to live in.

At times I'm beaten to a useless pulp because of the fears and worries running rampant in my head.

Other times I'm plum tuckered from attempting to be God.

This morning I'm determined to wake up and pray.

Not only wake up, but stay awake and pray!


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