Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 19-21

"So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I, the Lord, am your God." Leviticus 20:7 NLT

I have a few special Christmas platters that I use only in the month of December to display special cookies or candies that I have made.

These crystal platters are for special occasions. For holidays.

They aren't my every day go-to's. You wouldn't see me serving my Monday meatloaf on them.

That being said, I don't put them away dirty--thinking I will wash them up when I get them out to use when the holidays roll around.

I have them washed up, wrapped in their tissue paper, stored in their special cabinet, on stand-by for their ordained purpose. Ready and waiting.

I think that's what God intends with His use of the word 'holy' in regards to our lives.

He desires that we live in a way that, at a moment's notice, we are usable.

He wants us to walk among this world in a manner that's prepared and ready to shine for Him.

He doesn't want us to have to run to the church house to get cleaned up, dressed up, suited up and armored up for the mission.

He doesn't want us to have to call up the pastor to pray over us, find a baptistry for us to get dunked, locate a 24 hour Christian bookstore in order to purchase the latest and greatest Bible translation or be able to link someone to the newest online believer's app.

He wants us living for Him.

Set apart.


Not just pulled out of a cabinet for special occasions!


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