Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 4-6

"Then the Lord said to Moses, Give the Israelites the following instructions for dealing with those who sin unintentionally by doing anything forbidden by the Lord's commands." Leviticus 4:1-2 NLT

Ever unintentionally sinned? Didn't realize you were doing it? Didn't know it was a sin? Didn't have the spiritual maturity to know better?

Well, this chapter is for you--if you lived back in Old Testament times, that is.

This chapter gives you the run-down of the steps to be forgiven of your unintentional sin. From the sacrifice to bring, to the steps the priests must take in preparing the animal, to the rituals required in the processing of the offering.

Ever thought about unintentional sins? Do they ever cross your mind? 

Most of us, I'll include you here with me, spend a whole lot of our time being convicted of, confessing and turning our backs on the sins we commit intentionally.

The ones we do because we feel like doing them. The ones we do as reactions to others' poor, or stupid, choices. The ones we act on in order to fulfill the desires of our 'old man'. The ones we do because, well, we are human.

This morning's foray into the Old Testament and its procedures make me realize that Jesus came to die for all my sins--intentional and unintentional.

That's quite a scope. That's quite a display of power. That's quite a love!

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