Monday, June 3, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 9-10

"Then he sent them out to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Don't even take along a walking stick, he instructed them, nor a traveler's bag, nor food, nor money. Not even an extra coat." Luke 9:2-3 NLT

"Don't take along any money, or a traveler's bag, or even an extra pair of sandals..." Luke 10:4 NLT

When Jesus commissioned his disciples for the task of telling the world about Him, He chose to send them with one thing and one thing only--Himself.

The same is true for His followers today.

We're being asked to share the Good News with a lost and dying world and what does He want us to use in the task--Himself!

While we're wanting to accumulate skills, experience, spiritual maturity, a firmer knowledge of the Scriptures and maybe even have under our belts a course on 'soul winning', He asks us to go in His name.

To do what He asks using the power He has given us.

To give to the unsaved what He's given us.

We don't need one more thing. We don't need any more than Jesus. 

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