Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 7-9

"Next Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood that was on the altar, and he sprinkled them on Aaron and his clothing and on his sons and their clothing. In this way, he made Aaron and his sons and their clothing holy." Leviticus 8:30 NLT

Imagine the scene...

The silent crowd. The solemnity of the moment. The apprehension in the air. The smells of blood, fire, anxiousness.

The presentation of Aaron and his sons as priests would have brought about honor, a moving moment in the religious timeline of God's people.

Men selected by God to interact between The Holy One and the people. Men chosen to perform the duties of the Tabernacle. Men dressed in tunics specially designed by God, commissioned by God and embroidered intricately by skilled craftsmen.

And now?

Now, they stand before the crowd of onlookers--and Moses sprinkles oil and blood all over them!

Staining brand new clothes? 

Did the seamstress cringe as he/she watched their masterpiece used in this way? Did the wife of Aaron gasp as Moses publicly did this to her husband and boys?

To be bloodstained and holy is what we should all desire--no matter how it looks, what process it takes and when and where it happens.

To have the blood of Christ seen on us, what an honor!

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