Monday, June 24, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 15-16

"The boy became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything." Luke 15:16 NLT

I've read the account of the prodigal son a lot the last several years. A whole lot, to be quite honest.

I've dissected it. I've verse mapped it. I've used the SOAP method to study it. I've listened to sermons on it. I've had podcasts regarding it playing in my earbuds.

I've spoken on it. I've marked it in my Bible with a post-it note. I've highlighted it. I've even got a bookmark on the page. I've prayed it over one near and dear to my heart.

But this morning, I turned the pages of the account just enough to see a new facet to the boy's life that I had never viewed...

I see that he asked 'the world' for help and it didn't give it.

While I don't know if it's because the 'world' wouldn't or couldn't, I see their response turned the boy's eyes and heart back towards his home.

I want the prodigals who are in the far country to come up short when they seek out help in anything other than Jesus!

I want them to hunger and thirst until they turn back to Him!

I want their exciting/fun/living it up choices that they thought they would find away from God's shadow, to dry up and leave them empty!

Those are hard prayers to pray, but if that's what it takes to bring prodigals back to their Fathers, then I'll pray them all day long!

Lord, may they be discontent until they are walking with You.

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