Friday, May 31, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 1

"Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just and fair." Proverbs 1:3 NLT

Let's get this out in the open as we begin on 'page one' of Proverbs--proverbs ARE NOT promises.

Proverbs, an accumulation of sage advice, wise counsel and information for good living, are probabilities.

Solomon, through the inspiration of God wrote to us about what will usually happen, things that are expected to occur and things that there is a very good chance one will see if done in a certain way.

But they are not promises.

Case in point, I found this in some 'Proverbs research...

'If a person fears the Lord and makes wise, moral choices, things will likely go well for them. If a person doesn't fear the Lord and acts foolishly, their life will more likely turn out poorly. Both of these statements are often true, but not always.'

So, be very careful to follow the advice given in the book of Proverbs, but don't lean as heavily on them as you might an actual promise from God.

Remember, that proverbs are statements of general truth that can be applied to various circumstances. When you apply them you will likely get the desired results, but not always. Not in this life, anyway. Especially when you need to factor in the free will of others who may or may not follow the leading of the Lord in their own lives--and thus affect yours.

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