Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Kings 1-4

"Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the instructions of his father, David, except that Solomon, too, offered sacrifices and burned incense at the local altars." 1 Kings 3:3 NLT

What's your 'except'?

You know what I'm talking about...

That one thing, aside from loving God and serving Him, you do.

Solomon served God and was in a position God ordained him to hold, but Solomon also chose to offer sacrifices at the altars of petty gods. Maybe he did it out of political peacemaking efforts. Maybe he did it to please his many wives. Maybe, just maybe, he did it thinking, 'If this God thing doesn't work out, I don't want to burn bridges with these others gods that could help me.'

Could the same be said of us?

Those sins we tend to like little lap dogs--are they done socially, in an effort to make and keep friends? Are they done because you've always done them, in an effort to calm the voices, the desires, the addictions you might have? Are they done because you just don't know if God is enough?

What's your 'except'?

I'm spending some time this morning listening to God in regards to mine. I pray you do the same.

With His help, our 'excepts' can be removed from our hearts. 

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