Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Today's reading: Genesis 221-23, Matthew 7:1-11, Psalm 9:1-8

"Then the Lord did exactly what he had promised." Genesis 21:1 NLT

I'm a talker.

It's true. Much to my husband's chagrin, it's true.

I seldom if ever meet a stranger. I will talk about almost anything, once again, to my husband's dismay. Age, race, wardrobe choice or gender, it doesn't matter--if you will give me a moment of your time, I'll talk to you.

Today's verse, however,  has made me stop and think about what it is I'm saying.

Am I sharing enough about my God? My faith? My hope? My joy? My peace?

Am I giving out more information about myself than the One who has saved and redeemed me?

It's really got me to thinking...

What if, in every conversation, with every single soul I am purposed to spend some time with, all throughout my day, the people I talk to hear this:

Then the Lord did exactly what He had promised!

What if I tell them how He has been with me through a storm?

What if I tell each one how He has only given me what I could handle?

What if they hear, in the course of our conversation, how He has enabled me to do great things because I chose to obey Him?

What if I share with them another instance, and another, and another, of how He has answered my prayers?

My eyes will sparkle as I talk about how He has come through. Sure, they may leak a few tears in the telling, but they are tears of abundant praise.

My hands will move one hundred miles an hour as I use them to explain how He 'did it again'.

Oh, how I want my words to bring glory to what He has done!

Because every single day, in every single act, He has done exactly as He had promised!

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