Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Today's reading: Psalm 96-98

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. He has won a mighty victory by his power and holiness." Psalm 98:1 NLT

Go and grab your prayer request list.

No, I don't mind if it's written in the finest calligraphy or scribbled on a scrap of paper.

Ok, so maybe it's not in pristine condition--the page smudged and smeared.

Yes, I have time for you to drag all of it out. It's quite lengthy? That's fine.

Go ahead, bring it front and center. No, not for me to read, what's on it is none of my business. I just want you to have it firmly in your hand.

Got it? Ok, good.

Consider your requests, each and every one of them, done.

Oh, you may not see the answers when you turn around, but you can, by the power and holiness--and victory of God, consider them accomplished!

He has won a mighty victory. His work on the cross has accomplished mighty things. He defeated death and therefore, our every need can be considered completed. His saving blood that covers you gives you kings to a glorious kingdom. The adoption He completed on your behalf bends His heart and ear towards your every desire.

So, sing! From the tops of your lungs and the bottom of your heart, SING!

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