Saturday, March 8, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 27-29

"The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the might sea. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon." Psalm 29:3-5 NLT

I don't know if you have lost loved you are waiting for God to draw near...

Or prodigals wandering in far countries...

Or friends who won't listen to your testimony about the Gospel...

Know this: When God speaks, they will hear.

When He raises His voice, there will be no doubt as to what they are being called to do.

When He whispers their name, they will know it's Him.

His voice shakes the foundations of our hearts and calms the doubts of our minds.

I pray He speaks to those near and dear to us!

Friday, March 7, 2025


Today's reading: Ruth

"So Ruth gathered barley there all day, and when she beat out the grain that evening, it came to about half a bushel. She carried it back into town and showed it to her mother-in-law. Ruth also gave her the food that was left over from her lunch." Ruth 2:17-18 NLT

The account of Ruth is often referred to a love story.

Or a redemption narrative.

Or a come-back account.

I believe it's a story about true grit.

Ruth had to be tough.

She had to be fearless.

She had to be relentless.

Nothing, nothing at all, about her life after was easy.

Marrying into a God-fearing family.

Being widowed.






Dealing with a bitter mother-in-law.

Settling into a new home.

And yet, with God in her, she did not fail to provide us with a stalwart example of integrity and faith at work in a life dedicated to God.

May all of our stories be full of grit and determination to grab hold of all God has to offer us.

Who knows, we might inspire another generation with our example.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Today's reading: Genesis 36-39

"But Reuben came to Joseph's rescue. Let's not kill him, he said. Why should we shed his blood? Let's just throw him alive into this pit here. That way he will die without us having to touch him..." Genesis 37:21-22 NLT

How easy it is to validate sin in our life.

How quickly we grade sins, rank sins, evaluate sins based on the guilt incurred by committing them.

Whether Joseph had been killed OR placed in the pit as he was, sins were committed against him--and against God.

We would never kill someone, but we gossip about them.

We would never refuse to give a person a cup of cold water, but we withhold telling them about our Jesus.

We would never steal from a friend, but our hearts sometimes covet to the point we rob them of the blessing they have been given.

Sin is sin.

Little while lies, tall tales and blatant untruths...

Disregard for another, disrespect and murder...

There is little difference between 'killing them' and putting them in a pit.

One might keep our hands clean, but our hearts are dirtied all the same.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4

"...You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:3 NLT

Paul was reprimanding the church at Corinth for a hot topic dividing the church.

Church folks were arguing about which teacher was better, which spiritual father they claimed as best, which apostle was of highest regard.

Could have easily been about the color of the carpet, the type of music or the translation of the Bible--they were allowing something to divide them when they should have been drawing together.

We would never allow that to happen!

Would we?

Do we?

Every Sunday we allow personal preferences to keep us from unity with others inside our churches. 

Each church service we sit, talk, mingle and mix with those within our church houses that have common likes and dislikes as us.

We stay tucked into our comfort zones each worship service depending upon the greeters to take care of the new faces--and make sure they don't sit in our pew.

Not a Sunday goes by there are folks left on the margin of inclusion, feeling very alone in a crowded congregation.

Are we acting like we belong to Jesus when we allow that to happen?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 23-25

"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24:35 NLT

The time will come when we cannot hold the Word of God in our hands.

Bibles will be banished, confiscated, gathered up and taken from us.

Scripture won't permitted in the public square or to be printed for the masses.

Couldn't happen, you say?

Never, not in our great nation, you mutter?

God's Word itself says it will come to pass.

Will you still have it hidden in your heart?

Will you be able to draw comfort from what you've memorized, experienced, read, heard and learned?

Are you so intent on being in God's Word that God's Word will remain in you forever? 

I don't believe God ever intended for the Holy Scriptures to be memorialized in a thousand libraries as much as He desired it be treasured in the hearts of man.

Monday, March 3, 2025


Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50

"...You will get no help from them at all. Their hearth is not a place to go for warmth." Isaiah 47:14 NLT

Dear Adult Audience,

My prayer is that you are very, very particular about who your friends are.

Who influences you.

Who impacts your life.

Who you allow at your table.

We're influenced by the people we spend time with.

No, it's not just kids that fall at the weight of peer pressure--it's us, too.

Watch for folks who lead you into conversations that bash or gossip.

Beware of people who lean on you to sway your beliefs. Never in blatant ways. Never outright. Subtly. Slowly. 

Be cautious of those who you hear badmouth others, because at some point in time--you may be the topic of their conversation.

As Isaiah puts it, 'Their hearth is not a place to go for warmth.'

Sunday, March 2, 2025


Today's reading: Job 17-18

"As for all of you, come back and try again!.." Job 17:10 NLT

I don't know what your life is full of right now...

Maybe it's brimming with blessings, good times and sunshine filled days!

Maybe you are bailing water out of a sinking ship!

Know this: if you are God's, satan can try to beat you, defeat you, break you and take from you all you have--but God will only allow him to go so far!

God has satan on a leash.

Believing friend, you can stand up, in the name of God, and tell satan he can try again, if he wants--because you are backed by God!

Try again--but the promises God made you will stand firm!

Try again--but your heart is held by its Creator!

Try again--but victory is already held by your Savior!

Yes, your enemy can try again, but it won't do him any good!


Saturday, March 1, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 24-26

"To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul." Psalm 25:1 NLT

Here you have it, Lord--

The seat of my emotions.

The center of me.

The part of me that will live eternally.

My soul.

It's the control panel for all I do, think, say and believe.

It governs my actions and reactions.

My soul is the very best, and the very worst, of me.

But I want you to have it.

To have it as Yours.

To have it to rein in and spur on.

I lift it up to you, Lord--knowing the love and care You will put into it. 

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