Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 22

"See, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:12-13 NLT

How did you do on your resolutions for 2024?

Did you lose the weight? Did you shun Facebook? Did you successfully make exercise a daily routine? Did you stop smoking or hitting the snooze or drinking Coke?


I don't even know where my 2024 Resolutions list is!

Whatever I had set aside as goals for myself to accomplish in this past year has been forgotten--and quite possibly as early as January 2nd or 3rd.

I didn't shed the pounds.

I didn't kick the habit of mindlessly scrolling through the internet.

I didn't successfully tame my tongue.

I didn't eat at least 3 fruits and veggies every day over the last 364 days.

Who I am proud to say I know more deeply than I did last year at this time...

Who I have found to be sure and steadfast and consistent in my life...

Who I have gained a greater dependency upon...


God has been with me EVERY SINGLE DAY of this year--and I know He will continue with me throughout the next.

He truly is the Beginning and the End, but He is also the entire Middle!


Monday, December 30, 2024


Today's reading: Philippians 3

"He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything else." Philippians 3:21 NLT

I had the privilege of attending the funeral of a great-great aunt of mine.

She had lived a long, full, loving and godly life for 106 years.

One hundred and six years!

Until the last month of her life, she remained mentally sharp. She could quote Scripture, make her own choices, banter with the best of them--and play her favorite game, Aggravation.

But her body? Her body let her down.

That was until she took her last breath here and her first breath in heaven.

She is able now. She is capable now. She is whole--more whole than she ever was in her 106 years here on earth.

I once heard a speaker say, For a Christian, death is merely a means to get us to where we have always been meant to be.

I truly like that thought, but I might add to his sentiment by saying, For a Christian, death is merely a means to get us to where we have always been meant to be and to make us into all we were ever meant to be.


Sunday, December 29, 2024


Today's reading: Jude

"When these people join you in fellowship meals celebrating the love of the Lord, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you. They are shameless in the way they care only about themselves. They are like clouds blowing over dry land without giving rain, promising much but producing nothing. They are like trees without fruit at harvesttime. They are not only dead but doubly dead, for they have been pulled out by the roots." Jude verse 12 NLT

Who are 'these people'?

False teachers. Folks who sound religious, speak of the Bible, wear the suits, stand behind the pulpits, lead congregations and garner support for their church.

Our best, and only, defense against false teachers is to keep our Bibles open.

To keep our noses in the Word of the Lord.

To know exactly what the Holy Scriptures say.

And to not just take another person's word on it.

Fact check every sermon you hear. Refer to the passages of Scripture mentioned in a sermon. Read it for yourself.

Can a pastor mis-speak? Of course, they are human!

But beware of the false teachers among us. The ones who take bits and pieces of the Bible and twist it into what's beneficial to them--and easy on the ears of the listener.

Keep your Bibles open!


Saturday, December 28, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 18-22

"Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a huge crowd, or the roar of mighty ocean waves, or the crash of loud thunder: Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns." Revelation 19:6 NLT

It's pretty quiet here on our little prairie.

No large crowds here in the country.

No crashing waves in our landlocked little town in southern Illinois.

But thunder? A thunderstorm rolls across our prairie every so often.

The clouds billow and build. The lightning courses across the sky. The winds pick up. 

And it thunders.

Loud, booming, earth-shaking thunder rolls.

I won't hear the peals of thunder again without thinking of this verse and the praise in heaven!

I won't allow another 'storm' to pass without thinking about how loud and boisterous and deserved the praise of God is.

I want to participate in the thunder of praise. Now. Here. In practice for heaven!

Friday, December 27, 2024


Today's reading: Song of Solomon 7-8

"...If a man tried to buy love with everything he owned, his offer would be utterly despised." Song of Solomon 8:7 NLT

Trying to buy someone's love? What a preposterous thought!

Never! Wouldn't even think of it! Not in a million years!

National news will report the sales amounts recorded for the Christmas season. It will report profits gained from the holiday shopping.

What the news will not report is this...

How much money was spent attempting to impress someone?

How many gifts were purchased trying to 'make up' for lost time, lost opportunities, lost years?

How many dollars were racked up in an effort to 'one up' the neighbors?

How many credit cards were maxed out renting storage units to hold all the stuff we 'need'?

To think... Jesus came to give all He had, for all we have done, in an effort to secure us an eternity with Him, desiring only our love in return.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation. What a gift of love!


Thursday, December 26, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 149-150

"Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6 NLT

I'm reminded of an older pastor who consistently said, 'When God says EVERYTHING, He means EVERYTHING!'

So that means those of us waiting for answers to prayer, ought to be praising.

Those of us who don't like the season we're currently in, ought to be praising.

If we've received a scary diagnosis, praise.

If we've had the props knocked out from under us, praise.

If we've been hurt by fellow Christians, praise.

If we've been through heartache, shipwreck, beatings and sorrow, praise.

If those we thought loved us have left us alone, praise.

In everything we are to give praise--nothing should stop us.

Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 2

Those of you who know me, know I have an allergic reaction to King James Versions of the Bible. I forget how to read when faced with the King's English, my tongue gets in the way of my words, and 'begats' and 'thous' are a struggle to put into every day conversation.

That being said, when it comes to the account of Jesus's birth--I'm King James Version all the way!

No one says it better than King James.

No other version causes me to pause and process the words.

Nothing brings me back to the excitement of my childhood and the 'pieces' I was asked to learn for Christmas programs.

There are no more suitable verses than these...

"And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:6-7 KJV

Jesus has been born!

Our Messiah has arrived!

Immanuel-God is with us!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 32-34

"The Lord alone guided them; they lived without any foreign gods." Deuteronomy 32:12 NLT

I don't know if you have had any time at all this holiday season to reflect on 2024. Maybe a few minutes sitting under the lights of the Christmas tree pondering. Maybe a few stolen moments of silence as you wrap gifts or bake cookies, to think back over the past year.

Did you pass with flying colors? Did you exceed each and every godly goal you had set for yourself? Did you amaze yourself with your Christlikeness every day of these last 350+/- days?

Or are you looking forward to a new start? Another opportunity? Wanting to try again--and this time stick with it for longer than it took to write the word 'resolutions'?

Let's make a pact.

Take an oath.

Make a vow.

State upfront, before the new year even begins, that we will seek God alone.

That any foreign gods we leaned into over this last year would fall away from our hearts and minds.

Let's let God guide us, and God alone!

Monday, December 23, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 27-28

"Sirs, he said, I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on--shipwreck, loss of cargo, injuries and danger to our lives. But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship's captain and the owner than to Paul." Acts 27:10-11 NLT

Paul, who if we might all agree, had an extraordinary bond with the Lord, spoke about the problems ahead for the ship and crew.

But no one listened.

Instead, they were dead-set on doing things their way, in their time, according to their schedule.

Sound familiar?

This portion of Scripture has given me a lot to think about this morning--just who is it I am listening to? 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Today's reading: 3 John

"Some of the brothers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living in the truth." 3 John verse 3 NLT

What are folks saying about you?

To your face...

Behind your back...

In conversations about you...

Is your testimony full of grace, love, kindness and is it God-honoring?

If your 'rap sheet' is long and sordid, maybe this upcoming new year will be a perfect time for you to seek God's help in making corrections!


Saturday, December 21, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 12-17

As I read through the pages of Revelation, the intriguing parts, the head-scratching parts, the fearful parts, I have to focus on the Lamb.

The Lamb who stood before the throne, worthy.

The Lamb who ordained judgement on the earth, just.

The Lamb who continually offers salvation, rescue and hope, loving.

The Lamb who arrived on the scene as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 5-6

"But I said, I have taken off my robe. Should I get dressed again? I have washed my feet. Should I get them soiled?" Song of Solomon 5:3 NLT

While you may not believe it, this is the perfect time of the year to pause and reflect.

As you look into the manger scene, consider what you have done for Jesus this past year.

As you catch glimpses of the twinkling lights of Christmas, think about how you might have been, or need to be, more of a light for Christ.

As you wrap and unwrap gifts, ponder the enormity of the gift God gave you in His son.

As you gather with friends and family, look for opportunities to share the love of Christ.

Don't allow excuses to rob you of this precious time.

Don't trade the busyness of the season for the business of your walk with the Lord. 

Don't crowd Jesus out of Christmas by spending more thought on a plump fella wearing a red suit.

Don't disregard God appointments for the hustle and bustle.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 146-148

"The strength of a horse does not impress him; how puny in his sight is the strength of a man. Rather, the Lord's delight is in those who honor him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:10-11 NLT

Think of this...

Mountains of grandeur don't impress God. 

Sunrises of a vast color palette don't give Him pause.

A raindrop holding a prism of light doesn't move Him to being overwhelmed.

The most exquisitely petaled flowers don't excite Him.

Scientific discoveries of the smallest of cells or vast galaxies don't do a thing for Him.

All those things are the works of His own hands. By-products of His creativity. An outpouring of His love, greatness and majesty.

What He's impressed by is obedience.


Obedience that stems from the hearts and minds of ones He has created. Ones He has endowed with a free will. Ones He has instructed, directed, guided and left to their own as to whether or not they will bring glory to their Creator.

Our obeying His commands honors Him and that, dear friends, causes Him to stop and take notice.

Are you impressing the Lord?


Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Today's reading: Esther 3-5

"All the king's officials would bow down before Haman to show him respect whenever he passed by, for so the king had commanded. But Mordecai refused to bow down or show him respect." Esther 3:2 NLT

As the moral codes of our country begin to crumble, will people see you bowing to convention?

As decency declines amidst our peers, will folks find that you have ridden the downward slide with the majority of society?

As laws are passed, sins are seen as acceptable and wrong is considered right, will those around you find you to be tolerant and accepting? 

Or will they see you standing?

Will you refuse to bow?

Will you remain true, godly and just?

Are they seeing you do it now?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 29-31

"Though you are at the ends of the earth, the Lord your God will go and find you and bring you back again." Deuteronomy 30:4 NLT

I don't know who it is you are praying for...

I am unaware of the names on your 'prayer list' or the reasons they are on it...

I am clueless as to the souls you are keeping whispered to the Lord...

I do know this: They are not too far to be found!

Miles do not keep God at bay.

Acts of rebellion do not push Him away.

Time does not limit His reach or His desire.

Past mistakes, angry words spoken, complete failures do not prevent Him from being able to redeem.

In His time...

In His way...

To His glory...

For your good...

Out of His storehouse of enormous love...

He will go.

He will find.

He will bring back.


Monday, December 16, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 25-26

"Now I am on trial because I am looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promise made to our ancestors." Acts 26:6 NLT

Paul stood before King Agrippa because of his faith in Jesus.

On trial for his beliefs in regards to Jesus's virgin birth, sinless life, unworthy death, powerful resurrection and life with God.

Paul was believing the Messiah, the very one predicted, hoped for and anticipated by the Jews for hundreds of years, had come and had done what He had promised to do.

Believing to the point of the trial this very portion of Scripture is referring to.

Facing possible death for treason against the king.

Looking at the probability of life in prison.

Possibly facing torture, beheading, being thrown in with the lions or beatings.

He believed that sincerely in Jesus. What He did. Who He was. What He would continue to do. The promises He made. 

Do you believe to that extent? Would your depth of faith ever convict you?

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Today's reading: 2 John

"Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning." 2 John verse 6 NLT

While the Beetles are known for the saying, 'All you need is love', is originated with God.

His commands to love one another began back in the Old Testament.

So why do we try to do everything but love?

We try to volunteer.

We attempt to serve.

We give it a go at doing.

We offer our funds to charitable organizations.

We fill our garages and storage units with things.

But do we love?

Are we giving out our love like we are Christmas gifts?

To the ones we love--sure!

To the ones who are nice to us--of course!

To the ones who push us to our limits?

The ones who have done nothing to deserve our love?

The ones who it isn't easy at all to like, let alone love?

While you are meandering through the stores this holiday season, try giving out love.

It's what God has commanded us to do. It is desperately needed. It fits everyone. It will make your Christmas one to remember!

Saturday, December 14, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 7-11

"Then a loud voice shouted from heaven, Come up here! And they rose to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched." Revelation 11:12 NLT

The book of Revelation is such a strongly debated portion of Scripture. It's twisted and taken out of context by some. It's completely avoided by others. It's certainly a book you digest in bits, not by mouthfuls.

The entirety of this section of the Bible reminds us that an to this world is coming and with it comes judgement.

All will be determined as being His--or not.

This single verse shows the importance of sharing God's love, spreading His Good News and walking closely with Him.

You see, one day, His children will rise to meet Him.

Enemies will watch as we 'head home'. They will know we were right. They will see that they should have turned from their ways. They will face the heat and lingering death of hell.

But so will our loved ones who do not choose Jesus.

Our unsaved family and friends will see us leave without them. They will replay conversations we had with them. They will recall all the invitations to know about God we gave. Or they will have wished we had said something at all.


Friday, December 13, 2024


Today's reading: Song of Solomon 3-4

"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the swift gazelles and the deer of the wild, not to awaken love until the time is right." Song of Solomon 3:5 NLT

While this verse, and the others sprinkled throughout Solomon's Song, are usually quoted in reference to abstinence before marriage, I'm not convinced it's the only message God is sending to us.

What if...

What if, this verse reminds the pushy/bossy/managerial/directive/organizational/impatient ones among us not to 'push' God on those we long to see love Christ?

Is it asking us to allow the Holy Spirit to do his work?

Is it reminding us that we, ourselves, are not the Holy Spirit?

Is it asking us to pause and consider our own track record in comparison to God's--in regards to drawing all men unto Him?

A love for God cannot be sold, transferred, caught or pushed on another. 

Let's be very careful to follow God's lead in regards to pouring Jesus into the lives of others.

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 143-145

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing." Psalm 143:10 NLT

When you really, really and truly, want to learn, you will endure some hardships in the process.

In a teaching setting you will experience...

-Time in the classroom. It might look like a dry season. It might resemble a season of experiences that want to distract you and take your mind off the task. It might even look like failure to the extent you will want to give up.

-Homework. What you learn from the Lord will need to be applied at home. In your relations with those nearest to you. In your circle of friends. Your workplace. Your local WalMart. 

-Quizzes. You will find throughout your day that the Lord allows small inconveniences to stretch what you are learning and desiring to grasp. To stretch you. To allow you the opportunity to 'learn on the fly'. 

-Tests/Exams. These assignments from God will allow you, and others, to see just how far you've come in the learning process. They might highlight areas where you are excelling--and areas where a whole lot more work in needed. These ordained moments can be expected but never entirely prepared for, life is like that. But know this: He will not test you on something He hasn't already poured in to you!

-Graduation. Your schooling ends in heaven. Not before. Not a moment before. All you have learned, all you have chosen to lean in to, all you have hoped to gain, will be rewarded when you hear your Savior say, 'Enter in, my faithful servant!'

Won't you sign up for God's schooling? You need what He will teach you. Those around you need what you will learn. The world needs us to be more educated in His ways and His love.

He is willing. He is not only our Good Shepherd, but He excels at teaching His children His ways!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 10-13

"The priests and Levites first dedicated themselves, then the people, the gates and the wall." Nehemiah 12:30 NLT

As with all God does, and all that should be done in God's honor, there is a proper order of things.

There is no chaos. No disorganization or disarray. There is no mayhem, no confusion, no commotion.

When the Jewish people finished rebuilding the wall, they had a ceremony to celebrate. There was singing. There was praying. There were vows made in order to keep the walls maintained and the people holy.

The order was along these lines...

The preachers (priests) dedicated themselves first.

Then the church workers (the Levites were the Temple servants--musicians, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, janitors, etc).

Then the congregation.

Then the doors of the church (the gate--the entryway through which all would come and go).

Then the building itself (the wall--that which would protect and keep all done for the Lord).

Here are my thoughts...

We are all 'ministers' in some capacity in the sphere of influence God has given us to live and love in.

Are we dedicating ourselves first and foremost?

Are we living good examples of godly dedication to those whom we are overseeing?

Are we prayerful and discerning about what we allow to influence us, because we know it will have a trickle down effect?

Are we guarded in what is allowed in and out of our hearts, minds, eyes and ears?

Are we protecting what God's entrusted to us?

One thing leads to another in God's way of doing things that honor Him. We cannot skip steps, we cannot jump ahead, we cannot give 110% in one area and only 30% in another.

Let's start with ourselves. Let's dedicate our hearts to the Lord and His will for us. Fully. Wholly. Entirely. Sacrificially. With a commitment that He approves of.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 26-28

"When you arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you as a special possession and you have conquered it and settled there, put some of the first produce from each harvest into a basket and bring it to the place the Lord your God chooses for his name to be honored. Go to the priest in charge at that time and say to him, With this gift I acknowledge that the Lord your God has brought me into the land he swore to give our ancestors." Deuteronomy 26:1-3 NLT

It's truly a gift giving season, wouldn't you agree?

Gifts are purchased, or made, wrapped, or bagged, given, or shipped, to our friends and family. 

We set snacks out for the UPS drivers who deliver our Amazon packages.

We take trays of cookies over to the neighbors down the street.

We exchange gifts with co-workers.

We purchase and give what we believe our loved ones will like or want or need.

But what about God in this gift giving season? What can we give Him?

I don't think it was coincidental that I am reading the words of Deuteronomy 26 this morning. Words written about the tokens of appreciation, love and thanks that the Israelites would give to God once they were in the Promised Land.

Gifts from their new land.

Presents their endurance, and His faithfulness, allowed to spring up from the ground.

Prophesied offerings of the very fact that God does what God says He will do.

Ever paused to offer Him a gift from the place He now has you?

A gift from your abundance. An offering of praise in your pain. A donation in His honor amidst all the doubts you are wrangling in your heart and mind. Something, anything, you can bestow upon Him for all He has done for you.

Could we take a few moments out of our busy, gift-giving season to stand before Him and say, "With this gift I acknowledge that the Lord my God has brought me to this place"?

Monday, December 9, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 23-24

"The shouting grew louder and louder, and the men were tugging at Paul from both sides, pulling him this way and that. Finally, the commander, fearing they would tear him apart, ordered his soldiers to take him away from them and bring him back to the fortress." Acts 23:10 NLT

Paul was being held Jerusalem on the charges of inciting riots against Ceasar. In attempting to state his case, his words divided the council and they began to physically pull at him in anger, rage and in the name of justice.

Ever felt like that?

You are minding your own business, attending church regularly, getting into your Bible, spreading good cheer--and all of a sudden you find yourself torn between God and the world.

Maybe the tug-of-wars were along these lines...

You want to watch the movie, the one raved about by all your friends, but the language--ugh.

You want to sign your kids up for city-league ball, but the tentative schedule will cause your family to miss several Sundays.

You want to give your 10 percent to the church, but your finances are stretched--with all the extras you want to purchase for your family--because their friends have these things.

You want to volunteer for one more church committee, but you're already away from home 4 nights a week and this would make it 5.

Your feelings have been hurt by another Christian, not just hurt--crushed, and you'd really like to vent--better yet, find someone who will side with you.

You struggle to find time to dig a little deeper in the Bible, because you are too interested in what's going on in the world of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Life pulls at us. Sometimes it's the pull of good things attempting to separate us from doing the best things.

How do we know which direction to go? We look to Jesus. We listen for God. We slow down, pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us in our choices. Then we take the next small step asked of us--and trust God with the rest!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Today's reading: 1 John 4-5

"We know we love God's children if we love God and obey his commandments. Loving God means keeping his commandments, which really, isn't difficult." 1 John 5:2-3 NLT

You probably didn't have this 'appointment' marked on your calendar, but if you had--it would have had written in large, red letters, SELF-CHECK DAY.

Checking our hearts after reading verses like these is the only proper response.

Are we obeying God's commands?

I'm not talking about just the 'Big Ten', which is a huge, I mean HUGE, start.

But what about the more subtle requests He made by how He lived His life...

To love others more than we love ourselves?

To give till it hurts?

To not be controlled by anything but the Holy Spirit?

To stand out?

To speak up?

To bow low?

Obeying God's commandments is vital in portraying ourselves to be His. If we want to draw others to Him, we're going to have to mimic Him to the best of our abilities. If we want to experience the life He has designed for us to live, one that flourishes, radiates, infects, we're going to have to follow His rules.

Check yourself. Seek for an honest, prayerful assessment.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 1-6

"...You don't love me or each other as you did at first!" Revelation 2:4 NLT

Remember the awe and excitement you carried in your heart about Christmas when you were a child?

The sparkle in your eye...

The thrill of seeing 'Santa'...

The anticipation of Christmas morning...

Have you lost it?

Are you a Christmas curmudgeon? Are you a Scrooge? Are you a Bah-Humbug?

Are you just hoping to survive the holidays? Are you sick and tired of the crowds, the money spent, the ten thousand places you have to be at once?

What about Jesus?

What about the peace on earth and goodwill to men He brought with Him?

Today, this early day in the Christmas-y month, would be a very good time for you to evaluate your attitude, your heart, your spirit of Christ.


Friday, December 6, 2024

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 1-2

If I might attach a one word description to a few books of the Bible, it might look like this...


Exodus-moving (Hahaha--You get it, don't you?) 








That's just a few!

But when I come to the book of Song of Solomon, the only word I can think of is--awkward.

To me it's awkward to pick up this compilation of love letters.

It's like finding someone's romantic note on the sidewalk, picking it up, reading it, and feeling like you've invaded their privacy.

Is that to say I've never found snippets of hope, truth and instruction in its words--NO!

But upon first reading, it's awkward.

It doesn't seem to 'fit in' to all the other books of the Bible.

And yet, it does. 

And the awkwardness of it?

It leads me to be reminded of how lop-sided God's love is for me. Unrepayable. Given to someone as unworthy as I am. A kind of love that makes me squirm in my seat because I could never, ever, ever extend it to another.

I'm going to re-read these few chapters again focusing on Him, not my feelings or my understandings--just on Him!

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 140-142

"Surely the godly are praising your name, for they will live in your presence." Psalm 140:13 NLT

Surely is an English word used to emphasis the speaker's firm belief that what they say is true and often their surprise that there is any doubt of it.

As David wrote this psalm, I'm believing he trusted wholeheartedly that all of God's children saw God's attributes and couldn't help but praise Him for them.

Maybe you think David was merely speaking of his counterparts. His generation. His fellow Jerusalem neighbors. Those who lived in the era of time in which he lived.

But don't you think he was also talking about us?

Surely we are praising God's name for His greatness!

Surely we are lifting up accolades for God's patience and kindness!

Surely we are glorifying the Lord for His righteousness and His willingness to share with us heaven!

Surely we are honoring Him for who He is, not just asking Him for one more request!

Surely we are magnifying the name of God for being our Shepherd, Way, Healer, Deliverer and Comforter!

Surely we are bowing in praise for His willingness to forgive our sins and call us His own!




Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 5-9

"But when all was going well, your people turned to sin again, and once more you let their enemies conquer them. Yet whenever your people cried to you again for help, you listened once more from heaven. In your wonderful mercy, you rescued them repeatedly!" Nehemiah 9:28 NLT

While Nehemiah was talking about the Jewish people, couldn't he also be speaking about our own stories?

-When things go well, we tend to lean less heavily on the Lord.

-When we lean less heavily on the Lord, our enemies overrun our hearts and minds.

-When we realize our enemies have overtaken us, we cry out to God for help.

-When we cry out to Him for help, He delivers us.

-Once delivered, we settle back into our comfortable spots and then the whole cycle gets repeated.

Relax. Relent. Realize. Repent. Repeat.

(And some say the Bible is only about ancient peoples??!!)

Spend a little time in quiet consideration of where you might be in the cycle. Ask God's opinion of the matter, don't trust your own thoughts. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 23-25

"Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor the children for the sins of their parents. those worthy of death must be executed or their own crimes." Deuteronomy 24:16 NLT

There are days when I mutter to myself, 'I'm sure glad I won't be standing before God for 'their' sin.'

I judge. I bring the gavel down hard on their sin. I, for a moment, forget who I am and take on airs.

But then there are days...

Maybe several times in one day...

That I look at another and wish they knew how very grateful they should be that they don't have to stand before God for the sins I've committed. The words I've spoken and cannot take back. The attitudes I've copped in an effort to feed my pride. The untruths I have believed that make me 'holier than thou'.

Without God governing my heart and mind, it's a whole lot easier for me to play the role of 'Judge', rather than take on the part of 'judged'.

So let's...

Quit casting down-the-nose glances at the young mama with a little one throwing a tantrum in the aisle at the grocery store...you were once that toddler.

Stop raising your eyebrow at the prodigal's mom who is at loose ends attempting to figure out where she went wrong...you, too, had a Father who had to call you from a far country.

Cease with the phrases that begin with, 'Well, if I...' or 'Why don't they...'. Walk in the shoes you have been given to walk in...theirs don't fit you and yours don't fit them.

We will all, individually and privately, stand before the Lord one day and give an account of every action, attitude and attempt at living a life solely for His glory. We will stand before a Judge who knows motives, wayward thoughts and every word spoken.

I pray your entire 'rap sheet' is covered by the blood of Jesus--until that day, make it an every day choice to be grateful for His forgiveness and abundant with grace.

Monday, December 2, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 21-22

"You are to take his message everywhere, telling the whole world what you have seen and heard." Acts 22:15 NLT

This verse is taken out of Paul's address to the crowd when he was arrested in Jerusalem.

He was a captive--but he also had a captive audience.

The people were drawn to his words.

To his story.

To his testimony.

To his God.

Paul told the crowd what God asked of him--to go and tell.

It's our commission, too.

Not to go and recite Bible verses.

Not to go and preach hellfire and brimstone.

Not to beat people about the head with our Bibles.

But to tell the world what we have seen and heard--and experienced in Christ.

Our job, as little Christs, is to tell the world what He has done for us!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Today's reading: 1 John 1-3

"My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if you do sin, there is someone to plead for you before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who pleases God completely." 1 John 2:1 NLT

Interestingly enough, John's three-part letter is falling at the tail end of the Bible. Just two books from the maps, as some people say.

John's word express the reason for his letter--but also, on a much deeper level, the reason for the Bible itself.

-So that you will not sin.

-And if you do, there is Jesus.

Doesn't that sum up the purpose and intent of the Scriptures?

Every verse of the Old and New Testament, points to Jesus.

From the beginning to the end, and all throughout the middle.

Are you using its words to direct your path away from sin? Are you using the revealing of Jesus, our Savior, when your self guides your actions and leads you into sin?

It's all about Jesus!

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