Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4

"The priests repaired the wall up the hill from the Horse Gate, each one doing the section immediately opposite his own house." Nehemiah 3:28 NLT

Ever since Ronald Reagan's words, 'Mr. Gorbachev--Tear down these walls', were spoken in West Berlin, we've come to think of 'walls' as bad things.

Walls keep our emotions from being expressed. Walls keep people from experiencing freedom. Walls separate people.

But, if I may, express a few words about a different kind of wall...

The kind of wall that protects us from outside influences. The type of wall that keeps things inside it, secure and safe. 

Walls have crumbled within American families.

Vows aren't considered sacred. Love is conditional. Security and safety are exchanged for busy schedules and keeping up with the Jones's.

What if, while we are gathered around our Thanksgiving tables, we determine to repair the 'walls securing our families' to the best of our abilities.

Not working on someone else's.

Not advising the rebuilding of another's.

Not watching as someone else rebuilds theirs.

But working on the measures required to insure a wall of safety and protection in our own homes.

To love more.

To sacrifice more.

To respect more.

To spend more time together.

To invite God into our lives and homes more often.

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