Friday, September 6, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 22

"The rich and the poor have this in common: The Lord made them both." Proverbs 22:2 NLT

There are a whole lot of divisive things in our world today.

Religion. Politics. Rights. Choices. Backgrounds. Preferences. 

I believe, in Solomon's God-given wisdom, he is asking us, as followers of Christ, to look past those things into the eyes of another soul created by God.

Can you do that?

When someone is taller, shorter, heavier, skinnier, louder or more quiet than you?

When a person is more sure of themselves, less settled than, richer, poorer, darker or lighter than you are?

When another hates more, loves more, believes differently, behaves differently, works harder or doesn't work as hard as you do?

Strip away all the labels, all the titles, all the masks, all the descriptive terms--and we are all left standing, side-by-side, looking like masterpieces created by God.

Take away all preconceived notions, rap sheets, Facebook posts and what so-and-so told you about --and we all remain soul-holding vessels loved by God.

My take-away for the verse? I need to look deeper. Not glance. Not assume. Not make a quick judgement. Look deeper into a heart made by God--my mirror image, one might say!

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