Thursday, August 8, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 93-95

"The mighty oceans have roared, O Lord. The mighty oceans roar like thunder; the mighty oceans roar as they pound the shore. But mightier than the violet raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above is mightier than these!" Psalm 93:3-4 NLT

Oh, what soothing words these are for my heart this morning.

The reminder of God's bigness.

The restatement of God's solidness.

The recall of God's ever present being in my life.

But for you? Maybe you are miles away from the seashore? Maybe you don't hear the ocean waves? Maybe the crashing breakers don't make your heart tremble in fear?

Would it be of help to you today had the psalmist written these words...

Louder than the enemy's lies--are God's truths!

Heard more clearly above the howling winds of change--are God's steadfast promises!

Standing taller than the biggest obstacle our enemy can place before you--are God's mountaintops of blessings!

Anchored more firmly and deeply than the diagnosis you just received--is God's love for you!

He, is always, mightier than these.


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