Saturday, August 31, 2024


Today's reading: Hosea 8-14

"But it is too late! The people of Israel have rejected what is good, and now their enemies will chase after them." Hosea 8:3 NLT

Ever had a little idol grow right before your eyes?

Watched as your 'pocket god' went from manageable to controlling and unkind?

Do you have the feeling that a blessing God gave you has become something you worship more than Him?

We aren't the first ones to allow our enemies to cause us to run for our lives.

It can happen quickly, or it can happen slowly, unassumingly and seemingly harmlessly.

But it happens.

And when it does, what we thought we have complete control over now holds the reins to our heads and our hearts.

Pause for a moment or two today to ask God's opinion on what's chasing you, how you need to change your ways and where you need to begin seeking Him again. 

Friday, August 30, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 20-21

"Don't say, I will get even for this wrong. Wait for the Lord to handle the matter." Proverbs 20:21 NLT

For the past several years, a 'campaign for justice' has been going on.

A young woman was killed, circumstances were cloudy, witnesses did not come forth, a court judgement was not what was desired.

It was a sad event.

All over our community there were signs, Justice for Molly.


Walmart parking lots, stuck to the back of cars, in parks, along highways, on back country roads and in the yards of several supporters.

The family and friends wanted justice.

I don't know the family. I don't have the documentation presented to the judge in the matter. I didn't know Molly. I don't know what happened the evening this soul stepped out into eternity, but I know this...sadly, many of us don't want justice (what's fair, reasonable and impartial), we want our way.

We want what we want. We want our side to win. We want to be noted in the annals of history that we were right. We want to get even--or at least make another hurt to the extent we have been hurt.

Solomon tells us that instead of righting wrongs, we should wait on the Lord.

God is the perfect, fair, loving, just Judge. His verdict will fall on each and every one of us--and His indictment will be eternal. We can trust that He knows the 'whole story'. We can believe that He witnessed whatever event was perpetrated. We can know He is aware of the heart situation of each and every person.

So, wait.

Wait for Him to pass the final judgement. Wait for Him to strike His mighty gavel against His judgement seat. Wait for Him to determine right from wrong, fair from unfair, good from bad.

Don't take it into your own hands.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Today's reading: Psalm 102-104

"Praise the Lord, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and never forget the good things he does for me." Psalm 103:1-2 NLT

While social media, public opinion and those nearest and dearest to us have a huge impact on our thoughts--really and truly, our thoughts are completely up to us and under our control.

We determine what we think.

We regulate what our mind focuses on.

We dictate our views.

We govern our ideas.

Are there outside influences? Yes! But those outside influences remain outside.

We decide where our notions, convictions, assumptions and beliefs.

We determine what our mind contemplates, fixates upon and ruminates over--and over, and over.

We set the boundaries of our thought patterns, our mental pictures and our ponderings.

It's all up to us!

So as David says so clearly, it's up to me to 'tell myself', to praise the Lord.

To never forget His goodness.

To never fail to ponder His love and kindness to me.

To never let slip from my mind all the good things He does for me.

My thoughts of Him are completely and entirely up to me...and yours, are up to you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 15-19

"So the priests and the Levites purified themselves in order to bring the Ark of the Lord, the God of Israel, to Jerusalem." 1 Chronicles 15:14 NLT

If I want to turn things around in my home--I must purify myself.

If I want to see the Holy Spirit move mightily in my church--I must purify myself.

If I want to see God at work in my little town--I must purify myself.

If I want to see the Lord regain, restore and revive this great nation I live in--I must purify myself.

It all starts with me.

Only in my close walk with the Lord will I be able to hear His directives.

Only in my choice to bow in repentance to God will I be able to see where He wants me to go.

Only in choosing to make my heart obedient will I be willing to do what He asks me to do.

Only in clearing out any personal gods, private idols or self-made graven images can I have a heart that is purified for God and able to make a mark for His kingdom!

They, the priests and Levites, purified themselves--maybe that's exactly what we need to do!


Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 9-12

"...I will take some of the Spirit that is upon you, and I will put the Spirit upon them also. They will bear the burden of the people along with you, so you will not have to carry it alone." Numbers 11:17 NLT

If God has placed you in a community of believers, in a Bible based church, in a circle of godly friends--you have people to help you carry your burdens!

Do you realize what a gift that is?

What a blessing?

What a privilege--for them and for you?

As Christians, we don't have to 'do this' by ourselves. 

Prayers need not be bundled up and carried to the Lord on our shoulders alone.

Hurts needn't be packed away and stuffed down.

Ministries cannot and should not be 'Lone Ranger' affairs.

Are you utilizing the circle of believers God has surrounding you?

Are you circling around another?

Monday, August 26, 2024

Today's reading: John 10-12

"The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness." John 10:10 NLT

What's our enemy stolen from you?

What part of you has he killed, or at least has left dying a slow, agonizing death?

What about your life has the enemy destroyed in an effort to turn your eyes off of Jesus?

While we needn't give him any more credit than is due him, we have to be very clear about what his mission is--and how our lives are affected by it.

And we do that by knowing what God intends for us!

God desires that we have life in all its fullness.

Life filled with His love.

Life overflowing with His love.

Life changed by His love.

Live extending His love to all those around us.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Timothy 4-6

"So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content." 1 Timothy 6:8 NLT

I've just read a quote...

'Desire is an odd thing. As soon as it's sated, it transmutes. If we receive golden thread, we desire the golden needle.'

We, sadly, live in a nation of malcontents.

Most of us never have enough. Never hold enough things. Are never surrounded by the magical number of toys that leave our hearts full.

Paul tells Timothy, if you have clothes to wear and some food to eat--be content.

He doesn't suggest specific clothes to wear, just that you have some. That your nakedness is covered.

Nor does he allude to certain foods to eat, favorite meals, delicacies, special occasion treats. What you want, when you want it and in the amounts you desire.

The lines, for believers and non-believers, have certainly blurred in regards to what we need and what we want.

Let today be a start of checking our level of contentment.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Today's reading: Hosea 1-7

"In that coming day, says the Lord, you will call me 'my husband' instead of 'my master'." Hosea 2:16 NLT

The relationship we have with God is effected by so many, many things.

How we were raised.

Our understanding of who we believe Him to be.

What we've always been told.

Our previous experiences with Him.

Our level of trust.

Our depth of need.

Our determination to seek Him out.

God tells the nation of Israel and us, through His words to Hosea, that there will come a day when the relationship between us changes.

It will change from a master/servant type of interaction to a husband/wife form of bond.

Transactional to relational.

Service based to love bound.

Distanced to intimate.

Impersonal to personal.

What a thrilling thought to know God wants that with us. Designed us for it. Aches to see it come to pass.

He created heaven and earth in an effort to woo us to Him.


Friday, August 23, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 19

"Zeal without knowledge is not good; a person who moves too quickly may go the wrong way." Proverbs 19:2 NLT

Election season is upon us.

Political signs, mailings, phone calls, debates, conventions and turmoil ensue.

Candidates square up, raise their clenched fists and throw mud.

Offices, families, churches and homes are taking sides for either the elephant or the donkey.

It will be passionate. It will be loud. It will be publicly displayed. It will be energetic. It will be zealous.

I believe, fellow God follower, that we will have the opportunity to see this morning's verse come alive in the next several months.

We're going to see folks choose candidates based upon color.

We'll see people backing parties because of tradition.

We are going to be hearing a whole lot of commentary spouted that comes from opinion.

But will it all be based upon knowledge of facts?

Be very, very careful of what you choose to rally for, believe in, side with and vote on--cover it all with prayer, back it up with Scripture and stand only on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If not, we might move too quickly and go the wrong way.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 99-101

"I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all crooked dealings; I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride." Psalm 101:3-5 NLT

How long has it been since any of us have turned off a television, or walked out of a movie theatre, due to the raunchy scenes and inexcusable language?

Or backed out of a deal because the fine print left questions in your spirit?

How long has it been since we have said 'no' to something because it was wrong--no if, ands or buts about it, wrong?

Who among us has stopped a conversation among friends, even and especially Christian friends, because another person was being gossiped about?

How often do we stop ourselves from puffing up with pride, or allowing the spirit of 'better than' from rising up with in us?

There is plenty for us to do as we grow into the likeness of Christ. 

No, we probably won't change the world--but we will take accountability for ourselves, and maybe, just maybe, impact the small part of the world in which we live!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14

"When the Israelites in the Jezreel Valley saw that their army had been routed and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their towns and fled. So the Philistines moved in and occupied their towns." 1 Chronicles 10:7 NLT

Saul, the king of Israel, and his sons lay dead on the battleground of the Jezreel Valley.

Saul's followers melted in fear. They shook in fright. They felt the desperation of having placed all their trust in one man--the man that now lay dead among the troops.

This fright caused the Israelites to give up. To give in. To give way to the enemy to come in and take everything they had been given by God.

That's what happens when we have the wrong king on the thrones of our hearts.

Saul should have never been revered. Respected for the position God placed him in, but not revered.

Saul never should have been worshiped. Honored for the role he placed, but not worshiped.

Saul never had the ability to protect the people. He was the strategist and commander of the armies, but not able on his own.

I have to admit, it's got me thinking about the kings I'm placing in my life.  

What have I improperly voted into the office of my heart's hope?

What am I allowing to occupy the throne of my heart?

Whose allegiance am I leaning towards--or leaning on?

Why do I settle for depending upon anything or anyone other than the Lord himself?

God will not be defeated. God will not be displaced. God will not be routed. God will always be King!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 5-8

"May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace." Numbers 6:24-26 NLT

Some days one just needs a blessing. Not necessarily the kind that can be held in one's hands, or seen with one's eyes, but one that is felt deeply in one's heart.

This blessing does just that.

It's the words God gave Moses and Aaron for blessing the people of Israel--a blessing that is still conveyed in Israelite congregations today.

In the Bible, a blessing refers to flourishing and the multiplication of life. But it doesn't always look like these things, and for many of us, life often looks and feels the opposite.

I believe, merely my thoughts, that's where we have to pray, seek and expect the blessings to come in God's way--the God who sees things from a completely different perspective that we do, the God who sees the beginning and the end of all things, the God whose plans far surpass our wildest imaginations.

Today I want to focus on the blessing we can have, give and expect because we are His. I want it to change my outlook, my countenance and my words.

May you be blessed by the Lord, and may He protect you. May our God smile on you and pour out His graces on your life. May our Savior continue to show you His favor and settle your soul with the abundance of His peace. Amen

Monday, August 19, 2024

Today's reading: John 7-9

"Jesus replied, I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave to sin." John 8:34 NLT

We all commit sins.

We might even go so far as to debate that we commit (something we do) and we omit (something we fail to do) sins.

But being a slave to sin? Being controlled by it? Not having a say in the matter whatsoever? Held hostage by the act?

Today I'm listening for the 'rattling of chains' in regards to my actions.

I'm asking God to make we full aware of what sins are enslaving me.

I want to hear from Him, not take my own word on it--as I am too lenient upon myself.

God, help me hear where the chains rattle in regards to my sins. Help me see what's holding me back, holding me down and holding my heart. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3

"So wherever you assemble, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy." 1 Timothy 2:8 NLT

I'm not sure how long it takes for you to drive to church.

I don't know if the trip will be figured in miles, or blocks, or even steps.

But as you go, consider Paul's words to us in this verse.

As you get closer and closer to your house of worship this morning, allow God to do a work in your heart and life.

Put aside any petty disagreements.

Push off any chips on your shoulder.

Remove any issues in your heart that keep coming up in regards to Sister So-and-So.

Don't bring political disagreements into your church building.

Don't allow offenses about the color of the carpet to quench the Holy Spirit's work.

Don't keep bringing up the heated discussion from the last church business meeting.

Don't let what someone told you about Brother So-and-So to keep you from being able to worship with your holy hands held high!

All that to say this, use your commute to church this morning as a time to remove any anger and controversy from your heart.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Today's reading: Daniel 7-12

"...We do not ask because we deserve help, but because you are so merciful." Daniel 9:18 NLT

If these words cannot truthfully, thoughtfully and genuinely come out of our mouth before each and every prayer we  pray, then we haven't a clue of Whom we are asking.

We don't deserve His help.

We've done nothing to make Him beholden to us.

We could never, in a million lifetimes, ever repay His goodness.

We come to Him because we know Him to be full of mercy.

Mercy, the disposition to show kindness and compassion in the situation where one's power clearly might demand otherwise.

Isn't that our God?!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Today's reading: Proverbs 17-18

"A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook." Proverbs 18:4 NLT

Did you know that even during the COVID epidemic, the most prevalent human malady was not COVID--but dehydration?

Studies are showing that almost 75% of Americans walk around with less water in their systems than needed to function efficiently.

That's a problem.

One we believers are given the opportunity, skill and materials to help with!

Are you sharing life-giving water?

Maybe in the form of the good news of the Gospel.

Or a simple, Hello.

A kind, Have a good day.

A sincere, I can pray for you.

Or, How are you? (Making sure to pause long enough to listen for an answer.)

Our words can refresh the soul of another much like a bottle of water might.

God's Word tells us in several places that He is the living water, anyone coming to Him will never thirst again. The Bible is referred to as rain and snow in Isaiah. It's given to us as life, refreshment and healing. It's as important to us as the 64 ounces of water recommended we drink each day.

Drink up, Christian friends, so that we can pour out!


Thursday, August 15, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 96-98

Sing to the Lord, bless his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves." Psalm 96:2 NLT

If you discovered the cure for cancer, would you publish your findings?

If you won the 'Triple-Billion-Millionaire' lottery, would people know of your blessing?

If you obtained a calm in your life that escaped any adequate description, would you still try to tell others how to get it?

If you were a victor, would you announce it as loudly as our nation's Olympians did?

If you found out you would never die, would people know of your good fortune?

Well--you have, you did, you should, you can and you are supposed to...

Tell your Good News, that is.

Jesus, God's one and only Son, came to earth, lived a perfect life, performed miracle on miracle, died on a criminal's cross for crimes He did not do in order that you might know the gift of salvation, and He rose again on the third day--is that not news that should be shared?

How are you doing on the 'every day' part of the sharing?

Me? Not so well. But I'm reminded today that it's my privilege, my command, my opportunity and my only way of attempting to reciprocate even a small portion of His love for me!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 5-9

"They waged war against the Hagrites, the Jeturites, the Naphishites, and the Nobadites. They cried out to God during the battle, and he answered their prayer because they trusted in him. So the Hagrites and all their allies were defeated." 1 Chronicles 5:20 NLT

The notes in my Bible say this, regarding today's verses...

'The armies of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh succeeded in battle because they trusted God. Although they had instinct and skill as soldiers, they prayed and sought God's direction. These natural and developed abilities God gives us are meant to be used for him, but should never replace our dependence on him.'

As I think over the various skills God has given me, I am convicted by how many times I trust the ability, or worse yet, my ability to harness my ability.

I've placed myself into some pickles. I've messed up some seemingly simple tasks. I've overstepped and have fallen flat on my face. 

I've embarrassed myself by my pride. I've stolen the spotlight from God in my attempt to feed my ego. I've sprained my arm patting myself on the back.

I've tarnished the beauty of other Christians by my attempts to 'do it myself'.

So my prayer, for myself, is this...

My overly creative and loving Father, thank you for all the things you have allowed me to do with this mind and body You have given me. Let me learn to lean into You for instruction on how, when and where to utilize my strengths. Instruct me in walking out this life You have given me. Allow me the honor of using every bit of everything You have provided me to honor You. Let any glory fall on You. Let any praise be heaped before Your throne. Be seen in all I am led to do for You. Amen

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 1-4

"The duties of the Gershonites will be in the areas of general service and carrying loads. They must carry the curtains of the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle itself with its coverings, the outer covering of fine goatskin leather, and the curtain for the Tabernacle entrance...Aaron and his sons will direct the Gershonites regarding their duties, the loads they are to carry" Numbers 4:24-27 NLT

How many sermons have been preached about 'unloading our burdens', not carrying a burden, loads that are too heavy for us to carry and taking our burdens to the Lord?

Hundreds of thousands? Millions, possibly?

And yet this morning, I ran across a group of Levites whose main job it was to carry the loads of the Church. To be the burden bearers of the Tabernacle. To be the pack mules for the congregation of God's people.

What a privilege!

What an honor!

What a distinguished position in the Lord's workforce!

To carry the loads of fellow brothers and sisters. To be entrusted with what's heavy on their hearts. To take what they share in confidentiality straight to the Lord--to His ears only. To be examined and deemed worthy of trust. To be seen as a prayer warrior, a load lifter, a burden bearer.

This isn't a job we readily sign up for. No lists to jot our names down on. No gathering of individuals interested in applying for the position.

The position is God appointed, God approved, God ordained and God impassioned. 

But we can pray that God gives us a Gershonite's heart!

Monday, August 12, 2024


Today's reading: John 5-6

"Now gather the leftovers, Jesus told his disciples, so that nothing is wasted." John 6:12 NLT

This verse comes at the end of Jesus's miracle of the feeding of the 5000.

It's tacked on at the end, almost as a sidenote, or a piece of the trailing credits one might see to end a movie.

Or as a juicy, wiggling earthworm on a fishing bait.

Which I swallowed whole--hook, line and sinker!

You see, in regards to the 'leftovers', we are all feasting on them.

Every one of us has been blessed by the impact of another's offering of their little lunch into Jesus's hands.

Whether it be the Sunday School teacher who took the time to prepare the lessons when you were a child.

Or the Vacation Bible School worker who smiled as they served you purple KoolAid and Ritz crackers with peanut butter smeared on them.

Or the tired pastor who prepared the sermon you heard the day you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior.

Or the friend who pushed aside fears and worries to share the Gospel with you over coffee.

The little boy that day gave his lunch, Jesus blessed his offering--and lives were touched.

Including our own, all these thousands of years later. We are feasting on the leftovers--what remains of his sacrifice, his willingness, his obedience, his desire to give what he had so that Jesus would be magnified.

What are you doing with your leftovers today?

What are you doing to make sure others will have leftovers to dine on in the years to come? 


Sunday, August 11, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Thessalonians

"May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the endurance that comes from Christ." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT

Paul's words would be my prayer for you.

If you are a believer, that you would have a deeper understanding of God's love for you and the stick-to-it-tiveness that comes from following Christ.

If you aren't a believer yet, I pray that God will soon open your heart to His love--because nothing will satisfy you until you meet this man named, Jesus.  

If you are someone who has known the love and forgiveness of the Cross, but has wandered away from it, know this...His love for you has not dimmed, faded, ended or stopped! He still loves you enough to send His Son to die for you--then and now.

That would be my prayer for you this morning, if I might borrow Paul's words.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Today's reading: Daniel 1-6

"Look! Nebuchadnezzar shouted. I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!" Daniel 3:25 NLT

Maybe you like hiding your struggles.

Maybe you don't want people knowing your business.

Maybe you don't want to show anyone your weaknesses.

Maybe you don't want anyone thinking you aren't the Superman or Wonder Woman you've always aspired to be.

Well, it's possible that plan has worked out for you.

I'm sure many believe you live a carefree life, lacking pain, lacking stress, lacking conflict.

I might even go so far as to think there are some who think you 'have it all together'.

But let's be honest--it's during the trying times, the storms of life, the 'fiery furnaces of affliction' that others get to see Who walks us through them.

They see Who holds our hands.

They see Who lights our paths on the darkest of nights.

They see Who provides our peace in the midst of the storm.

They see Who holds our heads up high when we haven't the strength.

They see Who names us when the labels the world attaches to us don't fit properly.

They catch a glimpse of our God at work in us.

They are introduced to the Fourth Man in the Fire when we allow them to see the messy part of life.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Today's reading: Proverbs 16

"Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3 NLT

A quick trip down memory lane will remind us that a verb (yes, all the way back to middle school English class) is an action word.

So when we look for the verb in today's verse, we find it in the word--commit.

We are 'verb-ing' when we commit our ways to the Lord.

When we determine to do things for Him.

When we decide to honor Him in what we attempt.

When we try things that will bring Him glory.

When we set out to accomplish things in His name.

Interestingly, this verb--this action, is listed at the beginning of this verse. Is there a reason for that?

I tend to believe there is. A personal reason, I believe.

You see, I have a natural born tendency to rush into things...

To jump in with both feet...

To throw myself completely into a project...

Then, only, then ask God's blessings on it.

This morning, within the words of this 'verb-ing' verse, I'm reminded of where to start--Commit my ways to Him, then watch how He will help me succeed! 

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 93-95

"The mighty oceans have roared, O Lord. The mighty oceans roar like thunder; the mighty oceans roar as they pound the shore. But mightier than the violet raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above is mightier than these!" Psalm 93:3-4 NLT

Oh, what soothing words these are for my heart this morning.

The reminder of God's bigness.

The restatement of God's solidness.

The recall of God's ever present being in my life.

But for you? Maybe you are miles away from the seashore? Maybe you don't hear the ocean waves? Maybe the crashing breakers don't make your heart tremble in fear?

Would it be of help to you today had the psalmist written these words...

Louder than the enemy's lies--are God's truths!

Heard more clearly above the howling winds of change--are God's steadfast promises!

Standing taller than the biggest obstacle our enemy can place before you--are God's mountaintops of blessings!

Anchored more firmly and deeply than the diagnosis you just received--is God's love for you!

He, is always, mightier than these.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4

"The descendants of Adam were Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mehalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham and Japheph." 1 Chronicles 1:1 NLT

So begins these first four chapters of 1 Chronicles.

Drier reading than normal, unless you pause, individually, over each and every name--realizing that every name represented a person, a life, a testimony, an impact on the world--and on us.

A quick review of the list finds mighty warriors, liars and cheats, rule followers and rule breakers.

Looking deeper into the list of descendants, you will see outsiders brought into the family, women who were princesses and concubines.

Let's not overlook the fellas who had numerous wives, a custom of the day, men who prayed great prayers to God and men who did great things for God.

We can also see listed musicians, potters, linen makers and shepherds.

I don't know about you, but once in a while, I need the reminder that God can, will and wants to use us all in His great plans...Those of us with grand lineages, those of us who have messed up repeatedly, those of us who are new to the family of God and those of us who don't feel like we have anything at all to offer Him.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 25-27

"Show your fear of God by not taking advantage of each other. I, the Lord, am your God." Leviticus 25:17 NLT

The customer service representative on the other end of the phone line.

The teller at the bank.

The clerk at the tax assessor's office.

The state worker at the DMV facility.

Think back to exactly how it is you treated them...

Did you treat them lovingly? Kindly? Reverently? Respectfully?

Did you honor God by the way you responded to their words, reacted to their comments, replied to their answers?

Did you show your fear of God by not taking advantage of them by lording over them, oppressing them, pressuring them or demanding of them more than they were capable of producing?

There is a very good chance you will have another opportunity today--try again to honor God with how you approach those He places in your path. Make Him proud! 

Monday, August 5, 2024


Today's reading: John 3-4

"Then Jesus told her, I am the Messiah!" John 4:26 NLT

The Woman at the Well.

A whole lot has been said about her.

In books.

From the pulpit.

In Bible studies.

Behind her back.

This gal, until Jesus came along, had been waiting her whole life.


Waiting--for the people to accept her race.

Waiting--for the women of the town to receive her kind in to their circle.

Waiting--for the right fella to come along.

Waiting--for the final word on where to worship.

Waiting--for the Messiah.

Her wait was over--Jesus was in her midst!

What about you? Are there things you are waiting for? Things you are hoping will, 'complete', you? Are there still parts of you that are lacking? Still feel like you come up short in some area of your life?

Have you met Jesus?

You will find He is all you need!

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Thessalonians 4-5

"Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught you. You are doing this already, and we encourage you to do so more and more." 1 Thessalonians 4:1 NLT

Church, let's 'up' our game.

Maybe we are living in the way Christ has asked us to live--we can do more!

We are probably part of the small percentage that does a whole lot of work in our church--we can always do more!

Quite possibly we are giving to the Lord and to those in need--we can do more!

Have our noses in the Word? Couldn't we always do more?

Our prayer time? More?

Reaching out? More?

Sharing the Good News? More--so much more!

This verse reminds me that there is no 'cap' on what we do for the Lord. There is no limit to how much is required, no finish line to reach. Every ounce of effort we put forth for God should instigate a desire to do more, much more.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-48

"As to property, the priests will not have any, for I alone am their inheritance." Ezekiel 44:28 NLT

If God were all you had, would He be enough?

We would all religiously answer, YES!

But if we got down to the nitty-gritty, the basics, the fundamentals, the comfort of it--would that be our answer?

If our funds were depleted from our checking accounts and all we had was God, would He be enough?

If our husbands were taken away from us and our children gone, would God be enough to fill the gap left in a longing heart?

If friends betrayed us and God was all that was left for us to confide in and lean upon, would we find Him sufficient?

Our Sunday School answer is, Of course--God is enough.

But my thoughts are this...

Is He enough on a bad day when I've had my feelings hurt and I want to vent to a friend--a friend that will feed my fury, fan the flame of my anger and agree with all I say?

Is He enough when things aren't going my way and I want them to--badly enough I go against all I hear Him asking me to do, all I see Him leading me to do, all I know He's commands me to do?

Is He enough when I want to numb how I feel all together with the internet, with mindless television shows or chocolate--instead of His Word, listening for His voice, being still in His presence?

Is He really enough for me? 

Friday, August 2, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 14-15

"Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!" Proverbs 15:23 NLT

Ever, like me, stuck your foot in your mouth?

Said the wrong thing?

Said the wrong thing at the 'wrongest' of times?

Having the right words at the most appropriate time is a gift.

It's a God thing.

Whether it be when counseling a friend through a tough time, giving advice to a struggling co-worker, offering words of condolence beside a casket or sharing the Good News with a stranger--the right words at the right time are so important.

This morning I'm praying that God gives me, and you, the right words--His words, for the day ahead. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 90-92

"Lord, through all the generations you have been our home!" Psalm 90:1 NLT

Do you have the privilege of having a godly heritage?

Are you blessed with God-fearing parents and grandparents?

Were you raised in a Christian home?

I am blessed with a testimony that includes generational Christianity and a personal walk with Christ. My life has been touched by grandparents and great-grandparents who knew and served the Lord. My heart was led to know Jesus by parents who modeled him to me on a daily basis. I came to a saving knowledge of Christ at an early age.

What a blessing to 'be at home' with God. To have a relationship with the Lord, one that goes beyond Sunday and the church house. To have a home filled with the love of the Lord, permeated with service for the Lord, radiating with hope in the Lord.

If you have had the privilege of having had this type of upbringing you know what I'm talking about. If not, then you, my believing friend, have the privilege of being the trailblazer that starts this new legacy in your family! 

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