Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Today's reading: Numbers 1-4

"The duties of the Gershonites will be in the areas of general service and carrying loads. They must carry the curtains of the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle itself with its coverings, the outer covering of fine goatskin leather, and the curtain for the Tabernacle entrance...Aaron and his sons will direct the Gershonites regarding their duties, the loads they are to carry" Numbers 4:24-27 NLT

How many sermons have been preached about 'unloading our burdens', not carrying a burden, loads that are too heavy for us to carry and taking our burdens to the Lord?

Hundreds of thousands? Millions, possibly?

And yet this morning, I ran across a group of Levites whose main job it was to carry the loads of the Church. To be the burden bearers of the Tabernacle. To be the pack mules for the congregation of God's people.

What a privilege!

What an honor!

What a distinguished position in the Lord's workforce!

To carry the loads of fellow brothers and sisters. To be entrusted with what's heavy on their hearts. To take what they share in confidentiality straight to the Lord--to His ears only. To be examined and deemed worthy of trust. To be seen as a prayer warrior, a load lifter, a burden bearer.

This isn't a job we readily sign up for. No lists to jot our names down on. No gathering of individuals interested in applying for the position.

The position is God appointed, God approved, God ordained and God impassioned. 

But we can pray that God gives us a Gershonite's heart!

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