Saturday, August 31, 2024


Today's reading: Hosea 8-14

"But it is too late! The people of Israel have rejected what is good, and now their enemies will chase after them." Hosea 8:3 NLT

Ever had a little idol grow right before your eyes?

Watched as your 'pocket god' went from manageable to controlling and unkind?

Do you have the feeling that a blessing God gave you has become something you worship more than Him?

We aren't the first ones to allow our enemies to cause us to run for our lives.

It can happen quickly, or it can happen slowly, unassumingly and seemingly harmlessly.

But it happens.

And when it does, what we thought we have complete control over now holds the reins to our heads and our hearts.

Pause for a moment or two today to ask God's opinion on what's chasing you, how you need to change your ways and where you need to begin seeking Him again. 

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