Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Today's reading: Leviticus 25-27

"Show your fear of God by not taking advantage of each other. I, the Lord, am your God." Leviticus 25:17 NLT

The customer service representative on the other end of the phone line.

The teller at the bank.

The clerk at the tax assessor's office.

The state worker at the DMV facility.

Think back to exactly how it is you treated them...

Did you treat them lovingly? Kindly? Reverently? Respectfully?

Did you honor God by the way you responded to their words, reacted to their comments, replied to their answers?

Did you show your fear of God by not taking advantage of them by lording over them, oppressing them, pressuring them or demanding of them more than they were capable of producing?

There is a very good chance you will have another opportunity today--try again to honor God with how you approach those He places in your path. Make Him proud! 

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