Friday, August 16, 2024

Today's reading: Proverbs 17-18

"A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook." Proverbs 18:4 NLT

Did you know that even during the COVID epidemic, the most prevalent human malady was not COVID--but dehydration?

Studies are showing that almost 75% of Americans walk around with less water in their systems than needed to function efficiently.

That's a problem.

One we believers are given the opportunity, skill and materials to help with!

Are you sharing life-giving water?

Maybe in the form of the good news of the Gospel.

Or a simple, Hello.

A kind, Have a good day.

A sincere, I can pray for you.

Or, How are you? (Making sure to pause long enough to listen for an answer.)

Our words can refresh the soul of another much like a bottle of water might.

God's Word tells us in several places that He is the living water, anyone coming to Him will never thirst again. The Bible is referred to as rain and snow in Isaiah. It's given to us as life, refreshment and healing. It's as important to us as the 64 ounces of water recommended we drink each day.

Drink up, Christian friends, so that we can pour out!


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