Saturday, August 10, 2024


Today's reading: Daniel 1-6

"Look! Nebuchadnezzar shouted. I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!" Daniel 3:25 NLT

Maybe you like hiding your struggles.

Maybe you don't want people knowing your business.

Maybe you don't want to show anyone your weaknesses.

Maybe you don't want anyone thinking you aren't the Superman or Wonder Woman you've always aspired to be.

Well, it's possible that plan has worked out for you.

I'm sure many believe you live a carefree life, lacking pain, lacking stress, lacking conflict.

I might even go so far as to think there are some who think you 'have it all together'.

But let's be honest--it's during the trying times, the storms of life, the 'fiery furnaces of affliction' that others get to see Who walks us through them.

They see Who holds our hands.

They see Who lights our paths on the darkest of nights.

They see Who provides our peace in the midst of the storm.

They see Who holds our heads up high when we haven't the strength.

They see Who names us when the labels the world attaches to us don't fit properly.

They catch a glimpse of our God at work in us.

They are introduced to the Fourth Man in the Fire when we allow them to see the messy part of life.

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