Thursday, July 18, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 84-86

"...With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God." Psalm 84:2 NLT

Remember the picture Bible you had as a child?

The one an artist's rendering of Adam and Eve in the garden...Noah standing beside the ark...Daniel surrounded by lions...shepherds surrounding the manger...little kids sitting on Jesus's lap...Jesus hanging on the cross?

The pictures painted a scene that made the Bible account come alive right before your eyes.

If I were an artist, if I held in my hand a paintbrush or some magnificently colored markers, if I had a blank page in my Bible across from this single verse, here is what I would include for shouting joyfully with our whole being, body and soul...

The kids I see at Vacation Bible School this week!

The whole-face smiles. The little fists full of offering coins. The sweaty heads of hair throwing water balloon after water balloon. New friends arm and arm walking down church hallways. The glue-y fingers. The faces with bits of snack smeared all over them. The eyes wide with wonder as another Bible account is shared. The erratic lines of them going from one part of the church to another. The volume of their singing voices. The wiggling, ants-in-their-pants anticipation of another evening full of Jesus. The still and quiet as they bow their heads in prayer to the Jesus who they truly, without a doubt, believe loves them. 

Isn't that exactly what the sons of Korah meant when they wrote about how we should celebrate Jesus?

Is that how you do it?

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