Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Kings 5-9

"May you hear the humble and earnest requests from me and your people Israel when we pray toward this place. Yes, hear us from heaven where you live, and when you hear, forgive." 1 Kings 8:30 NLT

These two requests, that God hear and God forgive, were nestled snuggly and intentionally into the prayer Solomon prayed as he dedicated the grand Temple to the Lord.

Amidst the thanks.

Among the reminder of God's own promises.

In the middle of promises made.

Solomon asks that God hears and, more importantly, that God forgives.

I believe we, too often, forget how very powerful God's forgiveness is.

We gloss over it.

We reduce it to a box we check off.

We consider it to be over and done.

But as I read it this morning, Solomon asks that God continue in His forgiving spirit.

That God be willing to forgive all those, even us, who for years to come will fail miserably short and deeply desire to be made right with God.

This morning I'm thinking of all the requests I make of God. All the praises I offer up on His behalf. All the moments I pray for the hearts and lives of friends and loved ones. And for my ever present need for His forgiveness.

Yes, Lord, hear me from heaven and forgive me!


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