Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Today's reading: Exodus 29-32

"When this offering is given to the Lord to make atonement for yourselves, the rich must not give more, and the poor must not give less." Exodus 30:15 NLT

In the specifics and details of the Old Testament sacrificial system, there comes this single verse that points us to Jesus.

One Savior for all.

One Lamb.

One Sacrifice enough to redeem rich and poor, young and old, Jew and Gentile.

I don't know whether you consider yourself to be rich, or poor or somewhere in between the two--your worth is the same as the person standing next to you.

Your worth is the same as the most godly person you might know, or have heard about.

Your worth is the same as the most heinous criminal, living or dead, walking free or serving a sentence.

Your worth is determined by the Lord and the expense required to atone for your sins is the same as everyone else's--Jesus.

The most sin-filled don't need Jesus 'plus' something.

The most righteous don't need just a 'smidge' of Jesus.

We ALL need Jesus--His perfect, atoning, saving and forgiving blood! 

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