Thursday, August 31, 2023

Today's reading: Proverbs 20-21

"Plans succeed through good counsel; don't go to war without the advice of others." Proverbs 20:18 NLT

Do you have a 'dream team'?

A group of Christian, Bible-believing, love-you-more-than-a-brother, will-hold-you-accountable group of friends that walk with you through life?

If not, why?

You need them. This road's hard. This road can be long. This road can be bumpy and cause you to stumble.

They need you. This road's hard. This road can be long. This road can be bumpy and cause them to stumble.

A godly friend, good counsel, wise fellowship, is the difference between surviving life and thriving in life.

This kind of 'committee' can help you see when you can't or won't, hear when you won't or don't, and offer God's Word as a guide when they believe you need it--even and especially when you don't think you do.

This 'dream team' is God with skin on.

This 'dream team' is God walking beside you, with you, behind you and ahead of you.

This 'dream team' is God ordained, God recommended and God approved.

Ask God to help you scope out candidates for your team. Christians who will build you up, tell you the truth, promote growth and watch your back.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 102-104

"Praise the Lord, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise His holy name." Psalm 103:1 NLT

Some days you will have to be your own cheerleader.

It's true, there won't always be a friend within shouting distance, a mom to spur you on, Christian brothers or sisters to encourage and edify you. You might find yourself surrounded, on all sides, by folks who jeer, mock, demean and criticize you and your efforts.

So you may need to do it yourself.

You might need to remind yourself of the truths God has placed in His Word.

You will, quite possibly, need to talk to yourself in that specific tone that makes you mad, gets you motivated and reminds you of just what you know to be true.

So do it.

Just do it.

Speak the words of life.

Denounce the enemy and his tactics.

Call on the name of God.

Shout to the Lord.

Whisper the name of Jesus.

Do what it takes to get your heart and mind back in focus with the Lord your God, cheer yourself on!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 15-19

"Then Jehoshaphat, Asa's son, became the next king. He strengthened Judah to stand against any attack from Israel." 2 Chronicles 17:1 NLT

Jehoshaphat didn't just put them through physical therapy paces.

He didn't just school them in all things regarding military history.

He didn't just train them in weaponry.

He equipped them heart, mind, soul and body.

He knocked down idols and shrines and he sent out groups of his own officials with copies of the Book of Law to all the towns of Judah. 

Jehoshaphat knew that people are only as strong as their faith.

Their bodies are only limited by the conditions of their hearts.

This godly king knew that surrounding himself with an army of believers was the only way to win any war.

Do you know that?

Are you committed, determined and intentional in growing in your faith? Maturing in your knowledge of the Lord? Building up your mind, heart and soul in the Scriptures as you might your body on the treadmill?

And, are you training with believing friends?

Monday, August 28, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 9-12

"Moses answered, Wait here until I have received instructions for you from the Lord." Numbers 9:8 NLT

I have this verse circled and underlined in my Bible.

It's not because it's come deep, philosophical truth.

It's not a highly quoted statement.

It's not even in red, Jesus didn't say it.

But it's a reminder to me, each and every time I come across it, of what I need to do...

I need to wait on my instructions from the Lord.

You see, I don't work in an Emergency Room.

I'm not often confronted with crisis situations.

Seldom do my conversations, my routine or my relationships require emergency responses.

So I'm reminded, by this verse, to stop and seek God's guidance.

His words.

To find His thoughts on the matter before stating mine.

Do I have this discipline down pat? Sadly, I don't...but I do see progress in my 'off the cuff' remarks, my emotionally driven responses and my calls to action.

Maybe you need Moses's words for today. Something you know you need to make a decision on. In regards to someone who comes to you for advice. For the right reaction and the right response.

Circle it and underline it. Highlight it. Write it out and post it everywhere in your house, car or office.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Timothy 1-2

"Never forget that Jesus Christ was a man born into King David's family and that he was raised from the dead. That is the Good News I preach." 2 Timothy 2:8 NLT

Christian friends, we cannot forget the basis of the Gospel.

The foundation that our beliefs are founded upon.

The miracle that draws us at all...

That Jesus was a man and He was raised from the dead.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Today's reading: John 7-9

"For even his brothers didn't believe in him." John 7:5 NLT

Imagine living in the same house as Jesus, and not believing in who He truly was?

Imagine growing up with Him, and still questioning His abilities?

Imagine having heard, since your childhood, the account of the angelic messengers that proclaimed His birth?

Imagine having experienced the perfectness of His living, His life, His nature?

Imagine, Christian brother and sister, knowing all we know to be true about Jesus--and still doubting who He is?

Friday, August 25, 2023


Today's reading: Hosea 1-7

"My people are being destroyed because they don't know me..." Hosea 4:6 NLT

What offense wouldn't/couldn't be averted if we all knew, and lived out, godliness?

Let's be honest, it wouldn't turn our fading and failing earth into heaven, but it would make it more loving, kind, generous and caring.

Crimes would end. Crimes of all caliber.

Families wouldn't be destroyed over poor choices.

Welfare would be handled by the church.

Politics would improve. 

But where we are, knowing what we're content to know, assessing the situation of our world--we're in a heap of a mess.

One we've placed ourselves into.

A sad predicament that we're content to remain in because it's comfortable, it's convenient and it's what we've become accustomed to.

Sadly, Christian friends, we know better. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 19

"If you stop listening to instruction, my child, you have turned your back on knowledge." Proverbs 19:27 NLT

What are you willing to learn today?

That you have been doing something wrong, or the hard way, for a very long time?

That you had assumed the worst about a person for far, too many years?

That your way of doing things is not the ONLY way of doing things?

That your opinion isn't necessary?

That you still have a lot to learn?

If you step into your day eager to see what you will learn from it, I believe you are setting yourself up for success, advancement, reward.

God blesses our desire to know more--more about Him and more about living for Him!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 99-101

"I will keep a protective eye on the godly, so they may dwell with me in safety." Psalm 101:6 NLT

Outreach, they preach.

Evangelize, we're told.

Go, we're instructed.

All lofty and godly instructions. Each and every one of them.

But while we're reaching out, while we're evangelizing, while we're getting ready to go and while we're 'gone', be very observant of the Christian brothers and sisters around you.

They are an important mission field as well.

One where encouragement is key.

Where edification, or building up, is sorely needed.

Where fellowship is vital.

Where growth needs to be emphasized, nurtured and celebrated.

You see, this life is tough--for the believing and for the not-yet-believing.

Reach out into the fields ready for harvest WHILE you're putting an arm around a fellow worker in the field!

Christian friends, we need to keep an eye on each other.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14

"All these men came in battle array to Hebron with the single purpose of making David the king of Israel..." 1 Chronicles 12:38 NLT

The men desiring to make their warrior hero, David, into their king arrived in town dressed for the task.

They didn't get to Jerusalem and have to run to the local Walmart to get their uniforms.

They didn't, at last minute, decide to dress to impress.

They didn't show up unprepared for the task at hand.

They were ready.

They had a single purpose--and everything, from their helmets down to their sandal-laces, were for the task at hand.

What about us?

What are you prepared for this day?

Are you filled, already, with His promises?

Are you practiced up on prayer?

Are you anticipating getting to share His Good News with someone? Anyone? Everyone?

Let's decide on our single purpose, and show up ready to carry it out to completion!

Monday, August 21, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 5-8

Chapter 7 of Numbers talks about how each of Israel's tribes offered gifts to the Lord, for the establishment of the Tabernacle. One of the gifts given by each tribe was a silver platter.

A silver platter.

What in the world were wandering, former slave, nomads doing with silver platters?

They, according to a few sources I read from, were gifts from their former Egyptian slavemasters.

Parting gifts. Apologetic presents. Sympathetic gestures of appreciation.

Having been slaves, having been completely dependent upon the grace and mercy of another, having had nothing of their own, these tribes might have wanted/needed to keep the platters.

To remind them of where they had come from.

As a source of provision.

As security.

But God asks them to give the platters to Him. All they have that's tying them to their past, He's asking that they donate to Him.

What might He ask of you? What token of the former you could He ask you to give to Him? What identifier of your past might He ask you to let go of, so that you could now be known as His?


Sunday, August 20, 2023


Today's reading: 1 Timothy 4-6

"...Be an example to all believers in what you teach, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

Allow me to correct a possible error in your belief system...

God's not asking us to be perfect in this verse.

It says to live in a way that is an example to others.

An example of what it looks like to seek His forgiveness for sins.

An example of what it looks like to love the unlovable.

An example of what it looks like to live in this world and choosing to be different.

An example of a grace-filled life.

An example of an imperfect human using their imperfect life to worship and honor a perfect God.

Let 'them' see you live. Live out your faith. Live out the mercy shown to you. Live out the love lavished upon you.

One cannot do any of that perfectly, but it can be done with God.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Today's reading: John 5-6

"And the Father himself also testified about me..." John 5:37 NLT

Jesus's statement about Himself ring true for us as well.

God testified about Jesus--and He testified about us.

He does that about, and for, His children.

He speaks highly of them.

He speaks grace, peace and love over them.

He speaks hope into them.

He speaks of His work of salvation done in them.

He speaks of His creative Spirit woven into them.

He speaks of His calling for them.

He speaks of His mercy for them.

God talks about His children, lovingly, proudly, personally.

Friday, August 18, 2023


Today's reading: Daniel 7-12

"The next to come to power will be a despicable man who is not directly in line for royal succession. But he will slip in when least expected and take over the kingdom by flattery and intrigue." Daniel 11:21 NLT

Not all idols are shiny, little statues that sit quietly on shelves lined with votive candles.

They don't all require that we rub their bellies, offer them tokens of our appreciation or ask that we bow to them three times a day at the sounding of a trumpet blast.

Some idols, the ones that are probably most worshiped by us, slip in quietly, unassumingly and over time.

They are the things that look least like the idols we've always watched out for.

They are good things. Nice things. Things given to us by the Lord.

But they are merely the gifts, not the Giver.

They are blessings, not the One who bestows blessings.

They are the outpourings of His love for us.

And we, in our desire to worship something, wrongly worship them, not Him.

I'm determining today to watch for these sneaky idols in my life. I want to identify what I place above and before God and ferret them out, so I can take them off the altar of my life.

I want God to make we well aware of what's taken His place in my heart and mind.

I want Him to make me well aware of what has flattered and intrigued me in an effort to take my eyes of of Him.

I challenge you to do the same. May, at the end of the day, we both be convicted, humbled, repentant and corrected by what He shows us.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Today's reading: Proverbs 17-18

"Sensible people keep their eyes glued on wisdom, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth." Proverbs 17:24 NLT

I have a tendency to allow shiny things to catch my attention. Things that draw my eye away from a task at hand, a destination I am headed towards or a goal I am wanting to reach.

I have to be specific in what 'time wasters' I allow into my day.

I have to be very careful as to what I allot my twenty-four hours.

For me, it's a matter of putting God's Word first on my list each morning. Before anything else is done. Before anyone else is up. Before my foolish eyes wander to the ends of the earth.

It's a deliberate act for me.

It's a choice I have to make.

It's a habit, and yes, some habits are good, I have made myself establish in my day's routine.

Or--well, my attention would be distracted, my focus would be interrupted and my heart would be divided.

What about you? What are you choosing to keep your eyes glued upon?

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 96-98

"...Each day proclaim the good news that He saves." Psalm 96:2 NLT

Do you share Jesus every day?

Do you see the challenge in this verse, the opportunity it presents for us to evangelize to a lost and dying world?

It's not that we need to quote Scripture.

We don't always have to invite someone to church.

It's not even a matter of presenting, with slides, tracts or flannelgraph pictures, the Romans Road.

It's about stating loudly and proudly that Jesus has saved you!

A simple statement about your appreciation for your own salvation.

An inserted comment about the grace you've been shown.

A remark about the hope you have.

A view that differs from the world's.

A Facebook post.

Answering, Blessed, when someone asks how you are.

A smile that leads someone to asking what in the world you have to smile about.

A kind word when your response could very easily be heated, hot and bothered.

The Good News that Jesus saves can come out in so many other ways than quoting Scripture. Make an attempt to add this proclamation to your conversations, your responses and your discussions. Every day!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 5-9

I've read and re-read 1 Chronicles 7:54-81. It's the land allocation for the Levites, God's chosen priests.

God gave specific towns to these Temple workers, towns that all came with pasturelands.

As a matter of fact, it's listed eleven times that their properties had these grazing lands.

Eleven times.

Not just one sentence with the words, 'with a pasture attached'. But eleven times.

Since there is no unnecessary word in the Word, it got me to thinking...

God provided them a place and a means to raise up offerings and sacrifices to Him.

God gave them property specifically designed to provide for their needs for these offerings.

God took land away from the '-ites' previously living in these lands and placed them within the ownership of His chosen people.

So, in reality, He gave them a reason to praise Him, a way to praise Him and a place to raise up the offerings by which they could praise Him.

Only God could make it so easy for His loved ones.

Only God would go to the lengths He goes to in order that His people can do all He asks of them.

Only God has the resources to do for His followers all He does.

We all, His children, have been given 'pasturelands'. Places to raise up praises to Him. Areas of blessings. Acreage upon which we can grow up offerings. And reasons to praise and honor Him--they surround us!

What are you doing with your 'pasturelands'? Are you taking full advantage of all He has provided for you, given to you, done for you?

Are you raising up your praises? 

Monday, August 14, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 1-4

"These two clans were responsible for the care of the frames supporting the Tabernacle, the crossbars, the pillars, the bases, and all the equipment related to their use. They were also responsible for the posts of the courtyard and all their bases, pegs and cords." Numbers 3:36-37 NLT

I used to think this clan of Merari had a hands-off, behind-the-scenes role to play in the many tribes of Israel--but this morning I'm seeing it with different lenses.

I'm seeing that they provided the support needed to continue in the Lord's work. They provided the bare bones for a safe environment in which to worship God. They set in place the building blocks upon which others added their callings, their purposes, their ministries.

Are you part of the 'clan' responsible for the foundational structure of your church?

Is your faithfulness something your church family can believe in, rest in, depend upon?

Are you living a lifestyle that upholds your church's beliefs, supports its teachings, under girds what your Bible-preaching preacher speaks from the pulpit?

Are you, no matter if you are first generation or fifteenth generation, part of the cornerstones of your meeting place? Is your spirit led by God to build others up, edify your Christian brothers and sisters, providing a footing for others just starting out in their faith?

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3

"This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--and I was the worst of them all." 1 Timothy 1:15 NLT

I don't believe we have a right standing with God, truly know our status in comparison to His, until we can truly say that we once were the worst sinner.

Until we reach that point of belief, that point of repentance in our hearts, then we will judge everyone else accordingly.

We'll consider our sins a little lesser in value and theirs much worse.

We'll have the skewed opinion that we somehow deserved Jesus's gift.

We'll never completely, entirely, wholeheartedly grasp the enormity of His love for us.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--and I was the worst of them all.

Yes, it's a true saying and we all should believe it.


Friday, August 11, 2023


Today's reading: Daniel 1-6

"Now God had given the chief official great respect for Daniel." Daniel 1:9 NLT

Since childhood I have heard the account of Daniel. His brave stance, his God-given wisdom, his 3 friends and his night in the lion's den. I've heard the life of Daniel in flannelgraph form, sermonized, sung and I've had the privilege to teach it to littles myself.

But this morning I noticed this one verse. This verse about the favor the chief official showered on Daniel--and that it was God given.

That, I had never seen before.

It's sure made me think.

We, as we are no different from Daniel, do not gain the respect of others on our own.

Our works do not impress them.

Our accomplishments do not wow them.

Our kindness or generosity do nothing to astound them.

Our faith walks do not inspire or influence them.

Our testimonies, our sharing of the Gospel, our evangelizing do nothing to sway them.

It's ONLY God in us that allows them to have respect for us, to want what we have, to give pause to stop and listen to us at all.

God allows it. God gives it. God ordains it.

I've never thought to ask God to grant me favor so that they will 'hear'. I've never requested that I be given enough respect that I have an audience leaning in to what I have to say. I've never sought out God's blessing of popularity for the cause of sharing His story.

Until today. 

Lord, grant me the respect of others so that I may speak of you to them.

Thursday, August 10, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 16

"It is better to be poor and godly than rich and dishonest." Proverbs 16:8 NLT

Just last night we were discussing this same principle in prayer meeting.

The verse we were studying came from James 1:9, 'Christians who are poor should be glad, for God has honored them.'

How often have you prayed, Lord, make me poor so I can better serve You?

Might your answer, like mine, be, Never?

I think we 'get' the premise of the statement, but don't want to actually live it out.

We want to serve God-- comfortably.

We want to give to God-- with plenty left over for ourselves.

We want to honor God-- while still living in ease.

We want to surrender to God-- but still hold the reins.

We want to be 'poor in spirit'--but rich in wealth, honor, possessions and admiration of others.

I'm not sure both are possible. I don't think we can have a little of each.

I don't see that Jesus lived that way while He walked here on earth.

So, what do we want more?

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Today's reading: Psalm 93-95

"But the Lord is my fortress; my God is a mighty rock where I can hide." Psalm 94:22 NLT

Some days it feels as if all the world is against you.

The alarm is extra loud. The coffee spills. The dog jumps up on you with his muddy paws. 

Maybe the printer jams. The sprayer at the kitchen sink won't turn off before you become a drowned rat. You get in the car and the indicator is well below 'E'.

It's on days like these that we all need a place of rest. A fortress to run to. A safe place to hide.

We need God.

A comforting place to stop and gather our thoughts.

A few minutes allowing His Word to speak to us.

A quiet prayer asking Him to give us a moment to regroup, remember, reset.

In the words of Corrie ten Boom: His will is our hiding place. Lord Jesus, keep me in your will. Don't let me go mad by poking about outside it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4

If these chapters were to be written today, they might read something like this...

Harry Senior and Annie married and begat Harry Junior. Percy and Maude married and begat Mary Malinda. Harry Junior and Mary Malinda married and begat Bob.

Andrew and Bessie married and begat Ernie. Carl and Edna married and begat Mary Edna. Ernie and Mary Edna married and begat Nora.

Bob and Nora married and begat me!

We are all part of who we have come from--good or bad.

We have gained DNA, character traits, personalities, health tendencies, eye color and even some faith, or lack of it, from our ancestors.

It's not always our choice as to what we receive from our former generations, or what we will pass on.

But we can make the choice to pass on Jesus to the loved ones that follow us. Pass on the foundations of faith. Pass on the tenets of Christianity.

Pass on our testimonies.

Monday, August 7, 2023


Today's reading: Leviticus 25-27

"I, the Lord, am your God, who brought you from the land of Egypt so you would no longer be slaves. I have lifted the yoke of slavery from your neck so you can walk free with your heads held high." Leviticus 26:13 NLT

Do folks know of your salvation by how you carry yourself?

Not in a high and mighty air.

Not in a way that reeks holier than thou.

Not in a snobbish, better than demeanor.

Do they see you walking in freedom, unbound and with your head held high?

Are you beaming because of your salvation?

Are you released from the weight of your sins?

Are you living life in a way that spills the joy of your redemption on to everyone you meet?

The world needs what we, as Christians, have...are you a poster child for it? 

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Thessalonians

With all these things in mind, dear brothers and sisters, stand firm and keep a strong grip on everything we taught you both in person and by letter." 2 Thessalonians 2:15 NLT

With all these things...

All these things that leave us scratching our heads.

All these things that go against all we've ever believed.

All these things that seemingly have no hope, no end, no way of being redeemed.

With all these things...

Stand firm!

Hold tight!

Remember all you've been taught about God!

Believe in His promises!

Saturday, August 5, 2023


Today's reading: John 1-2

"In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God." John 1:1 NLT

I heard a speaker say this week that Jesus not only spoke the words in red that we find in our New Testament, He also spoke every word in the Old Testament.

It wasn't JUST God by Himself before Mary's labor and delivery in the little barn in Bethlehem, Jesus has been all along.

It wasn't JUST God speaking the world into existence.

It wasn't JUST God parting the Red Sea.

It wasn't JUST God protecting the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace.

What a beautiful, settling, peace-giving reminder it is that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are, have always been and always will be!

Friday, August 4, 2023


Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-48

God allowed Ezekiel to have a vision, several really, of the devastation and restoration of Israel. He allowed him a glimpse into the consequences of sin and the graciousness of God's forgiveness.

In response, we see Ezekiel on different occasions emotionally undone. Awed. Horrified. Humbled. Enraged. Ecstatic. Depressed.

What about us?

What are we seeing in regards to our own sins, God's restorative grace, our impact on fellow man and the downfall of the Church?

What glimpses are we being given by the Lord? What foresight has He allowed us in an effort to change our ways?

God has not stopped giving visions. He provides us mental pictures of His will and His ways on every page of His Word and every time He speaks to our hearts.

Are we stopping to take notice?

Thursday, August 3, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 14-15

"A wise person is hungry for truth, while the fool feeds on trash." Proverbs 15:14 NLT

The American diet consists of a whole lot of junk. Fast food, convenience meals, sugary sweets, processed foods and caffienated drinks.

Studies are showing us that that type of eating leads to disease and premature death. The doctors and nutritionists urge us to eat naturally, eat the colors of the rainbow and to eat foods that are as close to their original state as possible.

In order to actually desire foods like that, we have to not be filled up on the sugary, carb-laden things.

Just like God's desire for us to hunger for His Word.

Too many of us are full to the gills of worldly things.

Exhausted by busyness.

Satiated by convenience and comfort.

But hungry for the Truth? Aching to hear from God? Wanting more than anything to know what God says?

Today I'm going to watch my 'diet'. I'm going to make a conscious effort to turn to God first, before filling up on what the world says, what everyone else is doing OR what I think I have the right to do.

Want to join me in this healthy eating plan?


Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 90-92

"You spread out our sins before you--our secret sins--and you see them all." Psalm 90:8 NLT

I don't know about you, but the thought of all my sins being spread out before God, makes me sick to my stomach.

Every unkind deed.

All my uncaring words.

Any, and all, of my ungodly thoughts.

Laid bare. Displayed. Disclosed. Exposed.


But it's in that moment of conviction, I'm reminded of something else...

He knows all about me, but still loves me and is eager to forgive those sins if I but ask.

That's true love.

That's honest-to-goodness grace.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Kings 21-25

"Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the court secretary, I have found the Book of the Law in the Lord's Temple!.." 2 Kings 22:8 NLT

King Josiah had set about restoring the Temple of the Lord.

Carpenters, builders and masons set to work on the task.

Timber was cut and stones were hewn for its remodeling.

In the chaos of the task, the 'Bible' was discovered.

Whether it had been stored away in a back room, placed under wraps in the attic or someone had set it aside in an alcove--it was now found.

My question--how long had it been gone? Had no one noticed that the Word wasn't present in the Temple services? Whose words were the priests using all that time?

Christian friends, would we notice if the Word were to be absent from our worship?

Are we allowing tradition, entertainment and technology (which are all great things) to take the place of the Bible in our time with the Lord?

I doubt that anyone in Josiah's time said out loud, 'Let's put aside God's Word for a while'. I think it happened gradually, quietly, in an unobserved way.

Which, if we're not careful, could happen again today.

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