Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 143-145

"Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4 NLT

Tell them the stories of Jesus. 

Write on their hearts every word. 

Tell them the stories most precious, 

sweetest that ever was heard.

Did you grow up singing that song?

Did you grow up with flannelgraphs, Sunday School card classes, teachers who could bring the Bible to life in a little church basement on cold metal chairs?

Are you doing the same for your kids, or grandkids? The kids in your neighborhood?

Maybe you haven't. Maybe you haven't been given the opportunity. Maybe it's been too daunting a task.

Here's an easy way to start...

Tell them the real meaning of Christmas.

Tell them about the Baby born in a stable in Bethlehem.

Tell them about the simple fact that this Child was straight from God.

Tell them about the shepherds awed and amazed by a visit from the angels.

Tell them about the wise men and their precious gifts laid before a squiggling, squirming baby.

It's enough for the first try. It's enticing enough to cause them to ask more about Him at a later time.

Tell them the stories of Jesus!

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