Thursday, June 21, 2018

Today's reading: 2 Kings 11-14

"Joash and his nurse remained hidden in the Temple of the Lord for six years while Athaliah ruled over the land." 2 Kings 11:3 NLT

Hidden-being out of sight or not readily apparent; concealed; not seen or known.

Some of us are remaining hidden in our churches.

No, not in the janitor's closets, in the baptistery changing rooms or under one of the pews...but hidden none the less.

We believe that if we are busy enough, on enough committees and/or attend enough Bible studies we won't be noticed by God.

We won't be asked to go any farther than the church doors.

We won't be called to 'take God out of the church'.

It's too late.

He called us when He saved us!

The Great Commission became our Great Commission when we accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

Sure, things need done in and around the church. Yes, it's important that we are fueled by corporate worship and studying with fellow believers. You're right, there are hurting lambs inside the sheepfold of our church.

But God has called us to be in the world. To rub elbows with the sinners. To take Him into our workplaces, our homes and our local supermarkets. To speak of Him from our street corners or our cubicles. To tell the Good News to the wanting-to-hear-it world.

Little Joash had to be hidden in the church for his own safety and for the future hope of Judah but if we remain hidden in the church, lots of souls may spend eternity in hell.

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