Monday, September 30, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 3-4

"He jumped up, stood on his feet and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God he went into the Temple with them." Acts 3:8 NLT

This man's legs had been healed by God--and he couldn't keep his excitement under wraps!

He dances a little jig, trying out his new and improved legs, then walks (I believe) arm and arm with Peter and John into church. 

I can't help but think this man was giddy with excitement. Smiling ear to ear. Kicking up his heels as he walked down the aisle and found a pew to sit in.

Makes me think about my frame of mind, my attitude and my body language as I walked into the front doors of my house of worship yesterday...

Was I as joyous?

Was I as excited?

Was I as filled with praise?

Was I as eager?

I should have been. You see, I have been healed, too! 

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