Saturday, June 8, 2024


Today's reading: Lamentations

"Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn again in repentance to the Lord." Lamentations 3:40 NLT

Jeremiah was lamenting, or passionately expressing grief or sorrow, in regards to how far God's people had fallen from His ways. Think that's not something we need to consider for ourselves and our current day and time?

In a world where blame-placing is the norm...

When the reasons we do what we do gets blamed on our parents, our teachers and our bosses...

When the wrong that we do is blamed on our political leaders, those in office and those who have been out of office for years and years... 

When pointing a finger and passing-the-buck is more widely acceptable than accepting blame...

I believe it's more than high time for us to stand before God and let Him examine and test our ways.

To ask Him for an evaluation.

To open up our hearts and minds before Him for His perusal.

To make sure what we're doing lines up with what He is asking us to do.

It's time we began to take our actions, and more importantly--our reactions, as accountable to ourselves, and ourselves alone.

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