Saturday, January 19, 2019

Today's reading: Genesis 39-40, Matthew 12:1-29, Psalm 17

"Potiphar noticed this and realized the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did." Genesis 39:3 NLT

Christian friend, people notice.

Maybe they don't see success in every area of your life, success as the world defines it, but they see something.

They hear your well-thought-over responses.

They heed your carefully given advice.

They watch as you live in peace, in the middle of a raging storm.

Their ears catch the whispers of hope you speak of.

Their lives 'catch' some of the joy you live with.

They notice as you try again--and again--and again, desiring to be more godly.

They hear about your weekend plans to worship, to fellowship, to participate in life with your family and friends.

They may not know it's God, but they know it's something--and that something is going to lead, one of these days, to a conversation where you can share Him with them!

So let the simple fact that they notice spur you on and encourage you!

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