Thursday, March 10, 2022


Today's reading: Job 19-20

"Then Job spoke again; How long will you torture me? How long will you try to break me with your words?" Job 19:1-2 NLT

Friends, let's be very, very careful with our words.

If they're not from God--let's refrain from saying them.

If they haven't been prayed over--let's not speak them.

If they aren't going to ease another's burden, but instead weigh them down--let's not utter them at all.

Words break people. Everyday words. Common words. Spite-filled words. Critical words. Fault-finding words. Blame-placing words. Hate-filled words. Well intentioned words that quickly sour in the ears and hearts of those we speak them to.

Let's allow God to rein our mouths. 

Let what He would say be what we say. Grace-filled words. Merciful words. Instructive words. Load-lightening words. Encouraging words. Loving words. Helpful words. Life-giving words. Words that spark a fire of godliness in another's heart.

That is, IF He leads us to say anything at all.

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