Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's reading: Joshua 7-11

"They forgot the Lord their God, who had rescued them from all their enemies surrounding them." Joshua 8:34 NLT

Forget God? Impossible, you say. Improbable, you argue. Unbelievable, you wail.

He's everywhere. He's in everything. He gives us all we have. He holds all the hope we could ever have.

And yet we do forget.

We hesitate to remember all He's done for us when there is so much left undone.

We fail to remember what He's capable of when faced with our own weaknesses.

We choose not to recall the promises He's kept, the enemies He's defeated and the mountains He's enabled us to climb--when faced with a new challenge.

It's time we tie a string around our fingers to remind us of God!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to thank you for your blog.
    I especially appreciate that it is, brief, concise, to the point.
    The teaching of the Scriptures briefly is, "Let your words be few".
    Yet many of the devotionals go on and on.
    I fear their desire is to be a "scribe", not a "prophet".
    Consequently yours is about the only one of many that I will actually
    take the time to read.

    Thanks and God bless you for it.


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