Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today's reading: Matthew 1-2

"They entered the house where the child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 NLT

I'm reading, actually re-reading because there is so much to consume within its pages, the book 'The Resolution For Women' by Priscilla Shirer. One of the greatest quotes I can take from it is about the treasures the wise men brought the Baby.

In the author's words, she stated they could worship with what they had because they prepared for just that!

They had filled their treasure chests with things worthy of a King. They knew Who they were looking for and they knew they needed something in their 'reserves' with which to honor Him. They made an effort. They paid a price. They arranged their suitcases to hold fewer of their own things so there would be room for the gifts.

Are we doing the same thing Monday through Saturday for our meeting with the King on Sunday, I wonder?

Has my schedule shown I have made time?

Does my attitude reflect a desire to worship, or one of frustration and busyness?

Are my gifts honed, practiced and available for His use?

I have some re-packing to do--in my heart and in my life-- in order to get this done correctly!

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