Saturday, October 29, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 9-10

"All who heard him were amazed, Isn't this the same man who persecuted Jesus' followers..." Acts 9:21 NLT

Here's the challenge I'm placing before myself--and in doing so, placing before you: the Saul/Paul Challenge.

I want those who know us, who know us well, who know us slightly, who know us vaguely, who know us by acquaintance only, to say this about us the next time they see us...

Isn't that the gal who...

Isn't that the believer who...

Isn't that the church member who...

Isn't that the mom who...

Isn't that the Christian who...

I want them to be amazed by who you are now.

...the gal who used to doubt and fear.

...the believer who used to strive for control.

...the mom who had lost her joy but now beams.

...the Christian who didn't have any disciplines under their belt but is now diving into the Word daily, spending time on her knees daily, listening for God's voice daily.

I want them to see how God has changed us--no matter how long we've been who we are, no matter how good a believer we already are, no matter our former predilections.

I want others to see that we've been with God through our week--and that's it touched our lives!

Are you in for the challenge?


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