Thursday, June 27, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 75-77

"Human opposition only enhances your glory, for you use it as a sword of judgement." Psalm 76:10 NLT

Have you ever watched as God defied all the odds?

As He stepped over the messes people made, stepped around all obstacles, stepped through what was seemingly impossible and stepped up to set things to right?

Have you ever been involved in a situation that left you saying, It could only have been God!?

I love how the psalmist states that 'human opposition only enhances your glory'.

I don't know what the writer had experienced, but I believe he had the opportunity to stare directly into a moment in time in which God's fingerprints were clearly visible.

I've begun praying for that exact thing--Let me see You, Lord. I've chosen to quit giving Him suggestions. I've stopped laying out game plans in my prayer time. I've ceased approaching Him as Santa Claus.

I'm asking Him to make Himself known in each and every situation I find myself in.

I believe that opens doors in my life, and especially in my heart, for His glory to be enhanced!

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