Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 133-135

"Your priests will be agents of salvation; may your loyal servants sing for joy." Psalm 132:9 NLT

"I will make its priests the agents of salvation; its godly people will sing for joy." Psalm 132:16 NLT

Maybe you've awoken this morning and our enemy has already served you a plate of lies.

Could it be he has whispered in your ear that you have no purpose? That you are useless? That there is nothing you can do of any good, of any help, to make an impact?

Firstly, our enemy is a liar!

Secondly, today's Scripture tells us otherwise. It exposes his falsehoods. It reminds us of the truth.

We are to be agents of salvation.

No, we cannot save anyone...only Jesus can do that.

But can you help release someone, link by link, from the chains of depression by a smile, by a kind word, by listening?

Can you rescue someone carrying burdensome loads by praying with them or for them? 

Can you help set a captive free from being overwhelmed by giving a hand? A harried mom of small children? A friend who is caring for aging parents? A neighbor who might need a lift to the grocery store?

Can you break the cycle of generational sins in a new believer's life by way of encouragement? Mentoring? Discipleship? A card dropped in the mail? A text? An offer to have them sit with you in church?

No, we aren't given any special badges, gadgets or dossiers holding page after page of intel, but we are given the task of being agents of salvation, the power of the Holy Spirit within us and the Bible full of instruction.

That is your mission, do you choose to accept it?

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