Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today's reading:  Joshua 16-20

Today's Scripture reading has me looking into the allotment of land to the Israelites upon entering Canaan.

Specific territories were assigned each tribe.  Particular places.  Set boundaries.

I'm not sure what King James called these assignments, but for me, for today, for this season I am in--allotments is the right word for me to get into my head and heart.

What is an allotment?  I thought I knew the first grader definition, but am I ever glad I looked a little deeper.

An allotment is 'a plot of land let to an individual for cultivation'.

When I think the word 'let' means, in the simplest of terms, loaned--I realize that where I am has been specifically placed into my hands for a purpose.

When I ponder the word cultivation, I quickly realize that a little elbow grease will be required!

Where I am, when I am there, is by God's design.  God's choosing. 

When I stop groaning and moaning about what others have and what I lack, things can get done.  I have it in my power to turn the three square feet of land I'm standing on into a mission field.

If you think about it, most rose gardens start out as manure piles! 

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