Saturday, September 19, 2020

Today's reading: Amos 5-9

"Was it to me you were bringing sacrifices and offerings during the forty years in the wilderness, Israel? No, your real interest was in your pagan gods--Sakkuth your king god and Kaiwan your star god--the images you yourselves made." Amos 5:25-26 NLT

Before you lay out your Sunday best, dust off your Bible from last week's trek to the Lord's house or lay out to thaw the pot roast that will be eaten after your return from worship, let me ask you this--why are you attending at all?

Are you going out of habit or ritual or tradition?

Are you going to look good among Christian friends, your Sunday School circle or to get your spouse off your back?

Are you attending to mark something off your to-do list?

As a positive addendum to your resume?

Are you planning on attending church only because you have obligations in the nursery, on a committee, to pass the offering plate, to work in the children's ministries--or, gulp, behind the pulpit?

As He did with the children of Israel, He knows the real reason you are going. The REAL reason.

So today, a full day ahead of 'His Day', ask Him to give you the right motives. The right reasons. The right desire for worship. The right heart for coming into His presence.

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