Saturday, April 10, 2021


Today's reading: Mark 9-10

"Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question:.." Mark 10:2 NLT

We scoff at these leaders of the church for trying to grill Jesus, of all people, with moral queries.

But don't we do the same?


We ask if we aren't in the right in regards to our responses, knowing we are not, because of 'their behavior'.

We provide our reasons to Him, hoping for a 'get out of jail free card'.

We know the Word, His stance, His commands, and still try to ask Him to 'fudge' this one time on our reactions to the circumstances.

We try to trap the Lord with questions that might lead Him to excusing us from what He has already deemed right or wrong, but friend--there will be no trapping Him!

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