Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today's reading: Joshua 16-20

"Then Joshua asked them, How long are you going to wait before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord, the God of your ancestors has given to you?" Joshua 18:3 NLT

I'll let you guess where I might go with this verse. Go ahead, read my mind. Ah, come on, go ahead and forecast what I'm thinking.

Could it be that I might ask you how long you're going to allow satan to keep you defeated in a battle that your Savior has already won?

Might I go the route of stating that you're going around empty-handed while satan sits atop your spoils, your blessings, your rewards?

Maybe I'll be so bold as to mention it might be time for you step up to the challenge satan is presenting you and step out on the faith our Father has a great track record with?

Or maybe after you read the verse for yourself, you'd already taken the first steps down the road I'm attempting you to travel!

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