Monday, October 12, 2020

Today's reading: Matthew 27-28

"But when the leading priests and other leaders made their accusations against him, Jesus remained silent. Don't you hear their many charges against you? Pilate demanded. But Jesus said nothing, much to the governor's surprise." Matthew 27:12-14 NLT

(Since my computer wasn't cooperating this morning, I've had all day to chew on these verses and their implications.)

You know, Pilate isn't the only one stunned by Jesus' silence.

Maybe even, put off.



I get that.

You see, not every prayer I pray is answered by the time I say a hearty 'amen'.

I'm still waiting on Him to answer a few big ones, truth be told.

And yet, He remains silent.

Dead silent.

If I didn't know better, like He is just ignoring me, silent.

But as I've thought about it today, I've come to realize that just as He chose not to speak to Pilate and sometimes He chooses not to answer my prayers, does not mean He isn't still at work on a grand plan.

Bigger things were at work in that courtroom than answering Pilate's questions. Salvation was being set in motion. Redemption was being played out in the course of history. My eternal life was being set into play by the events of that day, and it had nothing to do with answering a governor's inquisitive mind or playing into his rules.


God is at work in the silence. I have to remember that at all times!

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