Friday, May 20, 2022


Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41

"Because you trusted me, I will preserve your life and keep you safe. I, the Lord, have spoken." Jeremiah 39:18 NLT

Jeremiah was in a pickle.

He had good news and he had bad news--and the officials who had come to him only wanted to hear the good news.

How God was going to protect the people of Jerusalem did not look anything like He was protecting them at all. God was asking them to give up. To hand themselves over to the enemy army. To be taken hostage.

Rescue didn't look like rescue.

What a perfect reminder to me that God's ways don't look like my ways!

When He tells me He will give me life, it will exceed my wildest expectations of this current way of living.

When He tells me He will preserve me, it will inevitably and eventually not be here on this orb.

When He says He will keep me safe, it still might hurt, it might be painful, it might bring tears, but I will be safe.

He can be trusted and when He is, blessings will fall.

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