Monday, February 22, 2021


Today's reading: Genesis 32-35

"...There is no reason for you to be so kind to me, Jacob insisted." Genesis 33:15 NLT

Jacob, when he spoke these words, was standing before Esau.

Esau, his brother.

Esau, the one who Jacob had snookered out of their father's inheritance.

Esau, the one who Jacob had run from.

So when the two brothers finally met up, after years and years, the kindness Esau showed him was hard to swallow.

I get that.

I feel that same way when God chooses to bless me.

I know, without a doubt, that God knows there is no reason, no reason what so ever, for Him to be as kind to me as He is.

And still He pours out His love on me.

I'm humbled.

I'm in awe.

I'm star struck by His grace!

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