Monday, January 15, 2024

Today's reading: Matthew 5-7

"God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them." Matthew 5:3 NLT

There are days when I get up and all goes well.

I beat the alarm clock in my rising and shining.

The hair cooperates.

My attitude is pleasant and kind.

The dog doesn't jump on me with his muddy paws on my way to the car.

But then there are days...

Days when nothing goes right at all.

The blare of alarm shakes me from my slumber.

The hair has a mind of its own.

My attitude is stinky, unlovely and unkind.

And the dog? He covers me with mud, slobbers and dog hair.

Those are the days I know I need a Savior. Which days? Both!

When nothing goes right. When plans shatter. When my nerves are stretched and frayed. When it takes a God as big as the one I serve to make me into His image.

And when everything goes smoothly.

When the birds sing and the sun rises, I need a Savior.

When the day goes well, and I errantly believe it has anything at all to do with my actions or attitude.

When everyone I meet is blessed by my words and deeds, because it's not me--it's my Savior!

Blessed are the ones who realize their need for Him--that's me!

I need Him, oh how I need Him--no matter the day!

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